Package com.cliffc.aa.util


class  AbstractEntry
 A simple implementation of java.util.Map.Entry. More...
class  Ary
class  AryInt
class  BitSetSparse
class  ConcurrentAutoTable
 An auto-resizing table of. More...
class  IBitSet
class  IHashMap
class  NonBlockingHashMap
 A lock-free alternate implementation of java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap with better scaling properties and generally lower costs to mutate the Map. More...
class  NonBlockingHashMapLong
 A lock-free alternate implementation of java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap with primitive long keys, better scaling properties and generally lower costs. More...
class  SB
 Tight/tiny StringBuilder wrapper. More...
class  Util
class  UtilUnsafe
 Simple class to obtain access to the Unsafe object. More...
class  VBitSet