com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3 Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3:


class  Apply
class  Con
class  HMType
class  HMVar
class  Ident
class  Lambda
class  Let
class  Oper
class  Syntax
class  VStack
class  Worklist

Static Public Member Functions

static HMType hm (Syntax prog)

Static Package Functions

static void reset ()

Static Package Attributes

static final HashMap< String, HMTypeENV = new HashMap<>()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file HM3.java.

Member Function Documentation

◆ hm()

static HMType com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.hm ( Syntax  prog)

Definition at line 34 of file HM3.java.

34  {
35  // Simple types
36  HMVar bool = new HMVar(TypeInt.BOOL);
37  HMVar int64 = new HMVar(TypeInt.INT64);
38  HMVar flt64 = new HMVar(TypeFlt.FLT64);
39  HMVar strp = new HMVar(TypeMemPtr.STRPTR);
41  // Primitives
42  HMVar var1 = new HMVar();
43  HMVar var2 = new HMVar();
44  ENV.put("pair",Oper.fun(var1, Oper.fun(var2, new Oper("pair",var1,var2))));
46  // { pred:bool lhs:var3 rhs:var3 -> var3 }
47  HMVar var3 = new HMVar();
48  ENV.put("if/else",Oper.fun(bool,Oper.fun(var3,Oper.fun(var3,var3))));
50  ENV.put("dec",Oper.fun(int64,int64));
51  ENV.put("*",Oper.fun(int64,Oper.fun(int64,int64)));
52  ENV.put("==0",Oper.fun(int64,bool));
54  // Print a string; int->str
55  ENV.put("str",Oper.fun(int64,strp));
56  // Factor
57  ENV.put("factor",Oper.fun(flt64,new Oper("pair",flt64,flt64)));
60  // Prep for SSA: pre-gather all the (unique) ids. Store a linked-list of
61  // non-generative IDs (those mid-definition in Lambda & Let, or in the old
62  // "nongen" HashSet), for use by Ident.hm.
63  final Worklist work = new Worklist();
64  prog.get_ids(null,work);
66  // Worklist:
67  int cnt=0;
68  while( work.len()>0 ) { // While not empty
69  Syntax s = work.pop(); // Get work
70  HMType nnn = s.hm(work);
71  if( nnn!=null ) { // If progress
72  s._hm = nnn; // Move progress state
73  s.add_neighbors(work); // Neighbors get reinspected for progress
74  }
75  assert prog.check_progress(work); // Everything that can make progress is on the worklist
76  cnt++; // Which iter count, for debug only
77  }
78  return prog._hm;
79  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.Syntax._hm, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.Syntax.add_neighbors(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeInt.BOOL, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.Syntax.check_progress(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.ENV, com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFlt.FLT64, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.Oper.fun(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.Syntax.get_ids(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.Syntax.hm(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeInt.INT64, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.Worklist.len(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.Worklist.pop(), and com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMemPtr.STRPTR.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test00(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test01(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test02(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test03(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test04(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test05(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test05a(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test06(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test07(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test08(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test09(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test10(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test11(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.test12().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reset()

static void com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.reset ( )

Definition at line 80 of file HM3.java.

80 { ENV.clear(); HMType.reset(); }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.ENV, and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM3.HMType.reset().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM3.reset().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Definition: TypeInt.java:9
Definition: TypeFlt.java:9
static final TypeInt INT64
Definition: TypeInt.java:39
static final HashMap< String, HMType > ENV
Definition: HM3.java:32
static final TypeMemPtr STRPTR
Definition: TypeMemPtr.java:97
static final TypeInt BOOL
Definition: TypeInt.java:43
Definition: TypeMemPtr.java:14
static final TypeFlt FLT64
Definition: TypeFlt.java:38