com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice Class Reference


class  N

Public Member Functions

void testLattice0 ()
void testLattice1 ()
void testLattice10 ()
void testLattice11 ()
void testLattice12 ()
void testLattice12a ()
void testLattice12b ()
void testLattice12d ()
void testLattice13 ()
void testLattice14 ()
void testLattice15 ()
void testLattice16 ()
void testLattice17 ()
void testLattice2 ()
void testLattice3 ()
void testLattice4 ()
void testLattice5 ()
void testLattice6 ()
void testLattice6_1 ()
void testLattice7 ()
void testLattice8 ()
void testLattice9 ()

Static Private Member Functions

static void test (N top)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 79 of file TestLattice.java.

Member Function Documentation

◆ test()

static void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test ( N  top)

Definition at line 156 of file TestLattice.java.

156  {
157  // Fill in the reverse edges
158  top.walk_set_sup(new BitSet());
159  // Pretty print
160  top.walk_print(new BitSet(),0);
162  // Find and barf redundant edges. Computes reachable.
163  assertTrue(top.walk_min_edge(new int[N.ID],null));
164  for( int i=0; i<N.ID; i++ ) {
165  N n = N.NS.at(i);
166  n._reaches.set(i); // Add self to reaches
167  n._cnt = n._reaches.cardinality();
168  }
170  // Demand dual symmetry: A->B === ~B->~A
171  assertTrue(top.walk_dual(new BitSet()));
173  // Check for single lowest unique meet. BAD: For all nodes, compute Reach
174  // (to Bot, and already done). For each pair of nodes compute the
175  // intersection of their reach sets; this is their common reachable set
176  // just following graph edges. The LCA will be a node with a Reach set
177  // equal to the intersection; it may not exist. If it does not, the set of
178  // nodes with the largest Reach sets make a good error message.
179  int errs=0;
180  for( N a : N.NS )
181  for( N b : N.NS ) if( a._id < b._id ) { // triangle efficiency
182  BitSet as = a._reaches;
183  BitSet bs = b._reaches;
184  N meet = null;
185  forall_reaches:
186  for( int x=as.nextSetBit(0); x>=0; x=as.nextSetBit(x+1) ) {
187  if( bs.get(x) ) {
188  N c = N.NS.at(x); // Common in both reaches sets
189  for( N sub : c._subs )
190  if( as.get(sub._id) && bs.get(sub._id) )
191  continue forall_reaches; // node is inside both a & b reaches sets, so is not unique meet
192  if( meet == null ) meet = c; // Found a unique meet point
193  else { // Found a 2nd meet point... so not unique
194  errs++;
195  System.out.println("No meet found for "+a._t+" and "+b._t+", tied candidates are: "+meet._t+" and "+c._t);
196  break;
197  }
198  }
199  }
200  }
201  assertEquals("Found errors", 0, errs);
202  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N._cnt, com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N._id, com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N._reaches, com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N._subs, com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N._t, com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.ID, com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.NS, com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.walk_dual(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.walk_min_edge(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.walk_print(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.walk_set_sup().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice0(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice1(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice10(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice11(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice12(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice12a(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice12b(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice12d(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice13(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice14(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice15(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice16(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice17(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice2(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice3(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice4(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice5(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice6(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice6_1(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice7(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice8(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice9().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ testLattice0()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice0 ( )

Definition at line 221 of file TestLattice.java.

221  {
222  N.reset();
223  N scal= new N( "scalar");
224  N num = new N("num" ,scal);
225  N int8= new N("int8",num );
227  N oop0= new N( "oop?",scal);
228  N str0= new N( "str?",oop0);
229  N tup0= new N( "tup?",oop0);
230  N str = new N( "str" ,str0);
231  N tup = new N( "tup" ,tup0);
233  N nil = new N( "0",str0,tup0,int8);
235  N abc = new N( "\"abc\"",str);
236  N def = new N( "\"def\"",str);
237  N flx = new N( "@{x}" ,tup);
238  N fly = new N( "@{y}" ,tup);
239  N strx= new N("~str" ,abc,def);
240  N tupx= new N("~tup" ,flx,fly);
241  N str_= new N("~str+0",strx,nil);
242  N tup_= new N("~tup+0",tupx,nil);
243  N oop_= new N("~oop+0",str_,tup_);
245  N i3 = new N("42",int8 );
246  N xint= new N("~int8",i3,nil );
247  N xnum= new N("~num",xint);
249  N xscl= new N( "~scalar",oop_,xnum);
250  // Mark the non-centerline duals
251  scal.set_dual(xscl);
252  num .set_dual(xnum);
253  int8.set_dual(xint);
254  oop0.set_dual(oop_);
255  str0.set_dual(str_);
256  tup0.set_dual(tup_);
257  str .set_dual(strx);
258  tup .set_dual(tupx);
260  test(xscl);
261  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice1()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice1 ( )

Definition at line 274 of file TestLattice.java.

274  {
275  N.reset();
276  N ta0 = new N("[]?" );
277  N tx0 = new N("[x]?" ,ta0);
278  N tb0 = new N("[b]?" ,ta0);
279  N ty0 = new N("[x,y]?",tx0);
280  N ta = new N("[]" ,ta0);
281  N tx = new N("[x]" ,ta,tx0);
282  N tb = new N("[b]" ,ta,tb0);
283  N ty = new N("[x,y]" ,tx,ty0);
285  N nil = new N("0", ty0,tb0 );
287  N xty = new N("~[x,y]",ty);
288  N xtx = new N("~[x]",xty);
289  N xtb = new N("~[b]",tb);
290  N xta = new N("~[]",xtx,xtb);
292  N xty0= new N("~[x,y]+?",xty,nil);
293  N xtx0= new N("~[x]+?",xtx,xty0);
294  N xtb0= new N("~[b]+?",xtb,nil);
295  N xta0= new N("~[]+?",xta,xtx0,xtb0);
297  // Mark the non-centerline duals
298  xta0.set_dual(ta0);
299  xtx0.set_dual(tx0);
300  xtb0.set_dual(tb0);
301  xty0.set_dual(ty0);
302  xta .set_dual(ta );
303  xtx .set_dual(tx );
304  xtb .set_dual(tb );
305  xty .set_dual(ty );
307  test(xta0);
308  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice10()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice10 ( )

Definition at line 911 of file TestLattice.java.

911  {
912  N.reset();
913  N x256 = new N("{ 2&5&6}");
915  N x25 = new N("{ 2&5}",x256);
916  N x26 = new N("{ 2&6}",x256);
917  N x56 = new N("{ 5&6}",x256);
919  N c2 = new N("2",x25,x26);
920  N c5 = new N("5",x25,x56);
921  N c6 = new N("6",x26,x56);
923  N o25 = new N("{+2+5}",c2,c5);
924  N o26 = new N("{+2+6}",c2,c6);
925  N o56 = new N("{+5+6}",c5,c6);
927  N o256 = new N("{+2+5+6}",o25,o26,o56);
929  // Mark the non-centerline duals
930  x256.set_dual(o256);
931  x25 .set_dual(o25 );
932  x26 .set_dual(o26 );
933  x56 .set_dual(o56 );
935  test(o256);
936  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice11()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice11 ( )

Definition at line 955 of file TestLattice.java.

955  {
956  N.reset();
957  N x256 = new N("{ 2&5&6}");
959  N x25 = new N("{ 2&5}",x256);
960  N x26 = new N("{ 2&6}",x256);
961  N x56 = new N("{ 5&6}",x256);
963  N x2 = new N("&2",x25,x26);
964  N x5 = new N("&5",x25,x56);
965  N x6 = new N("&6",x26,x56);
967  N o2 = new N("+2",x2);
968  N o5 = new N("+5",x5);
969  N o6 = new N("+6",x6);
971  N o25 = new N("{+2+5}",o2,o5);
972  N o26 = new N("{+2+6}",o2,o6);
973  N o56 = new N("{+5+6}",o5,o6);
975  N o256 = new N("{+2+5+6}",o25,o26,o56);
977  // Mark the non-centerline duals
978  x256.set_dual(o256);
979  x25 .set_dual(o25 );
980  x26 .set_dual(o26 );
981  x56 .set_dual(o56 );
983  x2 .set_dual(o2 );
984  x5 .set_dual(o5 );
985  x6 .set_dual(o6 );
987  test(o256);
988  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice12()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice12 ( )

Definition at line 1007 of file TestLattice.java.

1007  {
1008  N.reset();
1009  N x256 = new N("{ 2&5&6}");
1011  N x25 = new N("{ 2&5}",x256);
1012  N x26 = new N("{ 2&6}",x256);
1013  N x56 = new N("{ 5&6}",x256);
1015  N x2 = new N("&2",x25,x26);
1016  N x5 = new N("&5",x25,x56);
1017  N x6 = new N("&6",x26,x56);
1019  N mt = new N("[]",x2,x5,x6);
1021  N o2 = new N("+2",mt);
1022  N o5 = new N("+5",mt);
1023  N o6 = new N("+6",mt);
1025  N o25 = new N("{+2+5}",o2,o5);
1026  N o26 = new N("{+2+6}",o2,o6);
1027  N o56 = new N("{+5+6}",o5,o6);
1029  N o256 = new N("{+2+5+6}",o25,o26,o56);
1031  // Mark the non-centerline duals
1032  x256.set_dual(o256);
1033  x25 .set_dual(o25 );
1034  x26 .set_dual(o26 );
1035  x56 .set_dual(o56 );
1037  x2 .set_dual(o2 );
1038  x5 .set_dual(o5 );
1039  x6 .set_dual(o6 );
1041  test(o256);
1042  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice12a()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice12a ( )

Definition at line 1063 of file TestLattice.java.

1063  {
1064  N.reset();
1065  N _1 = new N("{&1}");
1066  N _234= new N("{&2&3&4}",_1);
1068  N _23 = new N("{&2&3}",_234);
1069  N _24 = new N("{&2&4}",_234);
1070  N _34 = new N("{&3&4}",_234);
1072  N _2 = new N("&2",_23,_24);
1073  N _3 = new N("&3",_23,_34);
1074  N _4 = new N("&4",_24,_34);
1076  N x2 = new N("+2",_2);
1077  N x3 = new N("+3",_3);
1078  N x4 = new N("+4",_4);
1080  N x23 = new N("{+2+3}",x2,x3);
1081  N x24 = new N("{+2+4}",x2,x4);
1082  N x34 = new N("{+3+4}",x3,x4);
1084  N x234= new N("{+2+3+4}",x23,x24,x34);
1086  N x1 = new N("{+1}",x234);
1088  // Mark the non-centerline duals
1089  x234.set_dual(_234);
1090  x23 .set_dual(_23 );
1091  x24 .set_dual(_24 );
1092  x34 .set_dual(_34 );
1094  x2 .set_dual(_2 );
1095  x3 .set_dual(_3 );
1096  x4 .set_dual(_4 );
1098  x1 .set_dual(_1 );
1100  test(x1);
1101  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice12b()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice12b ( )

Definition at line 1124 of file TestLattice.java.

1124  {
1125  N.reset();
1126  N and_234= new N("&{ 2 3 4}");
1128  N and_23 = new N("&{ 2 3}",and_234);
1129  N and_24 = new N("&{ 2 4}",and_234);
1130  N and_34 = new N("&{ 3 4}",and_234);
1132  N and_2 = new N("&{ 2}",and_23,and_24);
1133  N and_3 = new N("&{ 3}",and_23,and_34);
1134  N and_4 = new N("&{ 4}",and_24,and_34);
1136  N oor_2 = new N("+{ 2}",and_2);
1137  N oor_3 = new N("+{ 3}",and_3);
1138  N oor_4 = new N("+{ 4}",and_4);
1140  N oor_23 = new N("+{ 2 3}",oor_2,oor_3);
1141  N oor_24 = new N("+{ 2 4}",oor_2,oor_4);
1142  N oor_34 = new N("+{ 3 4}",oor_3,oor_4);
1144  N oor_234= new N("+{ 2 3 4}",oor_23,oor_24,oor_34);
1146  N andx234= new N("&{~2~3~4}",oor_234);
1148  N andx23 = new N("&{~2~3}",andx234);
1149  N andx24 = new N("&{~2~4}",andx234);
1150  N andx34 = new N("&{~3~4}",andx234);
1152  N andx2 = new N("&{~2}",andx23,andx24);
1153  N andx3 = new N("&{~3}",andx23,andx34);
1154  N andx4 = new N("&{~4}",andx24,andx34);
1156  N oorx2 = new N("+{~2}",andx2);
1157  N oorx3 = new N("+{~3}",andx3);
1158  N oorx4 = new N("+{~4}",andx4);
1160  N oorx23 = new N("+{~2~3}",oorx2,oorx3);
1161  N oorx24 = new N("+{~2~4}",oorx2,oorx4);
1162  N oorx34 = new N("+{~3~4}",oorx3,oorx4);
1164  N oorx234= new N("+{~2~3~4}",oorx23,oorx24,oorx34);
1166  // Mark the non-centerline duals
1167  andx234.set_dual(oor_234);
1169  andx23 .set_dual(oor_23 );
1170  andx24 .set_dual(oor_24 );
1171  andx34 .set_dual(oor_34 );
1173  andx2 .set_dual(oor_2 );
1174  andx3 .set_dual(oor_3 );
1175  andx4 .set_dual(oor_4 );
1177  oorx2 .set_dual(and_2 );
1178  oorx3 .set_dual(and_3 );
1179  oorx4 .set_dual(and_4 );
1181  oorx23 .set_dual(and_23 );
1182  oorx24 .set_dual(and_24 );
1183  oorx34 .set_dual(and_34 );
1185  oorx234.set_dual(and_234);
1187  test(oorx234);
1188  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice12d()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice12d ( )

Definition at line 1208 of file TestLattice.java.

1208  {
1209  N.reset();
1210  N x256 = new N("{ 2&5&6}");
1212  N x25 = new N("{ 2&5}",x256);
1213  N x26 = new N("{ 2&6}",x256);
1214  N x56 = new N("{ 5&6}",x256);
1216  N x2 = new N("&2",x25,x26);
1217  N x5 = new N("&5",x25,x56);
1218  N x6 = new N("&6",x26,x56);
1220  N mt = new N("[]",x2,x5,x6);
1222  N o2 = new N("+2",mt);
1223  N o5 = new N("+5",mt);
1224  N o6 = new N("+6",mt);
1226  N o25 = new N("{+2+5}",o2,o5);
1227  N o26 = new N("{+2+6}",o2,o6);
1228  N o56 = new N("{+5+6}",o5,o6);
1230  N o256 = new N("{+2+5+6}",o25,o26,o56);
1232  // Mark the non-centerline duals
1233  x256.set_dual(o256);
1234  x25 .set_dual(o25 );
1235  x26 .set_dual(o26 );
1236  x56 .set_dual(o56 );
1238  x2 .set_dual(o2 );
1239  x5 .set_dual(o5 );
1240  x6 .set_dual(o6 );
1242  test(o256);
1243  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice13()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice13 ( )

Definition at line 1263 of file TestLattice.java.

1263  {
1264  N.reset();
1265  N x250 = new N("{ 2&5&0}");
1267  N x25 = new N("{ 2&5}",x250);
1268  N x20 = new N("{ 2&0}",x250);
1269  N x50 = new N("{ 5&0}",x250);
1271  N x2 = new N("&2",x25,x20);
1272  N x5 = new N("&5",x25,x50);
1274  N nil = new N("0",x20,x50);
1275  N mt = new N("[]",x2,x5);
1277  N o2 = new N("+2",mt);
1278  N o5 = new N("+5",mt);
1280  N o25 = new N("{+2+5}",o2,o5);
1281  N o20 = new N("{+2+0}",o2,nil);
1282  N o50 = new N("{+5+0}",o5,nil);
1284  N o250 = new N("{+2+5+0}",o25,o20,o50);
1286  // Mark the non-centerline duals
1287  x250.set_dual(o250);
1288  x25 .set_dual(o25 );
1289  x20 .set_dual(o20 );
1290  x50 .set_dual(o50 );
1292  x2 .set_dual(o2 );
1293  x5 .set_dual(o5 );
1295  test(o250);
1296  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice14()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice14 ( )

Definition at line 1329 of file TestLattice.java.

1329  {
1330  N.reset();
1331  N xscl = new N("scalar");
1332  N x250 = new N("{ 2&5&0}",xscl);
1333  N xint = new N("int",xscl);
1335  N x25 = new N("{ 2&5}",x250);
1336  N x20 = new N("{ 2&0}",x250);
1337  N x50 = new N("{ 5&0}",x250);
1338  N xnint= new N("nint",xint);
1340  N x2 = new N("&2",x25,x20);
1341  N x5 = new N("&5",x25,x50);
1342  N x0 = new N("&0",x20,x50);
1344  N mt = new N("[]",x2,x5,x0);
1345  N nil = new N("nil",x0,xint);
1347  N o2 = new N("+2",mt);
1348  N o5 = new N("+5",mt);
1349  N o0 = new N("+0",mt,nil);
1351  N onint= new N("~nint",xnint);
1352  N o25 = new N("{+2+5}",o2,o5);
1353  N o20 = new N("{+2+0}",o2,o0);
1354  N o50 = new N("{+5+0}",o5,o0);
1356  N oint = new N("~int",nil,onint);
1357  N o250 = new N("{+2+5+0}",o25,o20,o50);
1358  N sclr = new N("~scalar",o250,oint);
1360  // Mark the non-centerline duals
1361  xscl.set_dual(sclr);
1362  x250.set_dual(o250);
1364  x25 .set_dual(o25 );
1365  x20 .set_dual(o20 );
1366  x50 .set_dual(o50 );
1367  xint.set_dual(oint);
1368  xnint.set_dual(onint);
1370  x2 .set_dual(o2 );
1371  x5 .set_dual(o5 );
1372  x0 .set_dual(o0 );
1374  test(sclr);
1375  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice15()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice15 ( )

Definition at line 1390 of file TestLattice.java.

1390  {
1391  N.reset();
1393  // Layer [ 0 4] -> {~obj,~rec,~str,str,rec,obj}
1394  N n_04_obj = new N("n_04_obj");
1395  N n_04_rec = new N("n_04_rec",n_04_obj);
1396  N n_04_str = new N("n_04_str",n_04_obj);
1397  N n_04xrec = new N("n_04xrec",n_04_rec);
1398  N n_04xstr = new N("n_04xstr",n_04_str);
1399  N n_04xobj = new N("n_04xobj",n_04xrec,n_04xstr);
1401  // Layer [ 0 ] -> {~obj,~rec,~str,str,rec,obj}
1402  N n_0__obj = new N("n_0__obj" ,n_04_obj);
1403  N n_0__rec = new N("n_0__rec",n_0__obj ,n_04_rec);
1404  N n_0__str = new N("n_0__str",n_0__obj ,n_04_str);
1405  N n_0_xrec = new N("n_0_xrec",n_0__rec ,n_04xrec);
1406  N n_0_xstr = new N("n_0_xstr",n_0__str ,n_04xstr);
1407  N n_0_xobj = new N("n_0_xobj",n_0_xrec,n_0_xstr,n_04xobj);
1409  // Layer [ 4] -> {~obj,~rec,~str,str,rec,obj}
1410  N n__4_obj = new N("n__4_obj" ,n_04_obj);
1411  N n__4_rec = new N("n__4_rec",n__4_obj ,n_04_rec);
1412  N n__4_str = new N("n__4_str",n__4_obj ,n_04_str);
1413  N n__4xrec = new N("n__4xrec",n__4_rec ,n_04xrec);
1414  N n__4xstr = new N("n__4xstr",n__4_str ,n_04xstr);
1415  N n__4xobj = new N("n__4xobj",n__4xrec,n__4xstr,n_04xobj);
1417  // Layer [ ] -> {~obj,~rec,~str,str,rec,obj}
1418  N n_mt_obj = new N("n_mt_obj" ,n_0__obj,n__4_obj);
1419  N n_mt_rec = new N("n_mt_rec",n_mt_obj ,n_0__rec,n__4_rec);
1420  N n_mt_str = new N("n_mt_str",n_mt_obj ,n_0__str,n__4_str);
1421  N n_mtxrec = new N("n_mtxrec",n_mt_rec ,n_0_xrec,n__4xrec);
1422  N n_mtxstr = new N("n_mtxstr",n_mt_str ,n_0_xstr,n__4xstr);
1423  N n_mtxobj = new N("n_mtxobj",n_mtxrec,n_mtxstr,n_0_xobj,n__4xobj);
1425  // An UNSIGNED NIL works IFF NIL expands as-if "[0]->obj", which means
1426  // meeting with NIL loses the base type of a pointer. But it remains a
1427  // lattice.
1429  // Signed Nil works, and is a lattice.
1430  N NIL = new N(" NIL",n_0__obj);
1431  N XNIL= new N("XNIL",n_0_xobj);
1433  // Layer [~0 ] -> {~obj,~rec,~str,str,rec,obj}
1434  N nx0__obj = new N("nx0__obj" ,n_mt_obj, NIL);
1435  N nx0__rec = new N("nx0__rec",nx0__obj ,n_mt_rec);
1436  N nx0__str = new N("nx0__str",nx0__obj ,n_mt_str);
1437  N nx0_xrec = new N("nx0_xrec",nx0__rec ,n_mtxrec);
1438  N nx0_xstr = new N("nx0_xstr",nx0__str ,n_mtxstr);
1439  N nx0_xobj = new N("nx0_xobj",nx0_xrec,nx0_xstr,n_mtxobj, XNIL);
1441  // Layer [~4 ] -> {~obj,~rec,~str,str,rec,obj}
1442  N nx_4_obj = new N("nx_4_obj" ,n_mt_obj);
1443  N nx_4_rec = new N("nx_4_rec",nx_4_obj ,n_mt_rec);
1444  N nx_4_str = new N("nx_4_str",nx_4_obj ,n_mt_str);
1445  N nx_4xrec = new N("nx_4xrec",nx_4_rec ,n_mtxrec);
1446  N nx_4xstr = new N("nx_4xstr",nx_4_str ,n_mtxstr);
1447  N nx_4xobj = new N("nx_4xobj",nx_4xrec,nx_4xstr,n_mtxobj);
1449  // Layer [~0~4] -> {~obj,~rec,~str,str,rec,obj}
1450  N nx04_obj = new N("nx04_obj" ,nx0__obj,nx_4_obj);
1451  N nx04_rec = new N("nx04_rec",nx04_obj ,nx0__rec,nx_4_rec);
1452  N nx04_str = new N("nx04_str",nx04_obj ,nx0__str,nx_4_str);
1453  N nx04xrec = new N("nx04xrec",nx04_rec ,nx0_xrec,nx_4xrec);
1454  N nx04xstr = new N("nx04xstr",nx04_str ,nx0_xstr,nx_4xstr);
1455  N nx04xobj = new N("nx04xobj",nx04xrec,nx04xstr,nx0_xobj,nx_4xobj);
1458  // Mark the non-centerline duals
1459  n_04_obj.set_dual(nx04xobj);
1460  n_04_rec.set_dual(nx04xrec);
1461  n_04_str.set_dual(nx04xstr);
1462  n_04xrec.set_dual(nx04_rec);
1463  n_04xstr.set_dual(nx04_str);
1464  n_04xobj.set_dual(nx04_obj);
1466  n_0__obj.set_dual(nx0_xobj);
1467  n_0__rec.set_dual(nx0_xrec);
1468  n_0__str.set_dual(nx0_xstr);
1469  n_0_xrec.set_dual(nx0__rec);
1470  n_0_xstr.set_dual(nx0__str);
1471  n_0_xobj.set_dual(nx0__obj);
1473  n__4_obj.set_dual(nx_4xobj);
1474  n__4_rec.set_dual(nx_4xrec);
1475  n__4_str.set_dual(nx_4xstr);
1476  n__4xrec.set_dual(nx_4_rec);
1477  n__4xstr.set_dual(nx_4_str);
1478  n__4xobj.set_dual(nx_4_obj);
1480  n_mt_obj.set_dual(n_mtxobj);
1481  n_mt_rec.set_dual(n_mtxrec);
1482  n_mt_str.set_dual(n_mtxstr);
1484  NIL.set_dual(XNIL);
1486  test(nx04xobj);
1487  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice16()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice16 ( )

Definition at line 1502 of file TestLattice.java.

1502  {
1503  N.reset();
1505  N __obj = new N("__obj");
1506  N A_obj = new N("A_obj",__obj);
1507  N B_obj = new N("B_obj",__obj);
1509  N __ary = new N("__ary",__obj);
1510  N A_ary = new N("A_ary",__ary,A_obj);
1511  N B_ary = new N("B_ary",__ary,B_obj);
1512  N __tup = new N("__tup",__obj);
1513  N A_tup = new N("A_tup",__tup,A_obj);
1514  N B_tup = new N("B_tup",__tup,B_obj);
1516  N __str = new N("__str",__ary);
1517  N A_str = new N("A_str",__str,A_ary);
1518  N B_str = new N("B_str",__str,B_ary);
1519  N __rec = new N("__rec",__tup);
1520  N A_rec = new N("A_rec",__rec,A_tup);
1521  N B_rec = new N("B_rec",__rec,B_tup);
1523  N Axrec = new N("A~rec",A_rec);
1524  N Bxrec = new N("B~rec",B_rec);
1525  N _xrec = new N("_~rec",Axrec,Bxrec);
1526  N Axstr = new N("A~str",A_str);
1527  N Bxstr = new N("B~str",B_str);
1528  N _xstr = new N("_~str",Axstr,Bxstr);
1530  N Axtup = new N("A~tup",Axrec);
1531  N Bxtup = new N("B~tup",Bxrec);
1532  N _xtup = new N("_~tup",_xrec,Axtup,Bxtup);
1533  N Axary = new N("A~ary",Axstr);
1534  N Bxary = new N("B~ary",Bxstr);
1535  N _xary = new N("_~ary",_xstr,Axary,Bxary);
1537  N Axobj = new N("A~obj",Axary,Axtup);
1538  N Bxobj = new N("B~obj",Bxary,Bxtup);
1539  N _xobj = new N("_~obj",_xtup,_xary,Axobj,Bxobj);
1541  __obj.set_dual(_xobj);
1542  __ary .set_dual(_xary);
1543  __str .set_dual(_xstr);
1544  __tup .set_dual(_xtup);
1545  __rec .set_dual(_xrec);
1546  A_obj .set_dual(Axobj);
1547  A_ary .set_dual(Axary);
1548  A_str .set_dual(Axstr);
1549  A_tup .set_dual(Axtup);
1550  A_rec .set_dual(Axrec);
1551  B_obj .set_dual(Bxobj);
1552  B_ary .set_dual(Bxary);
1553  B_str .set_dual(Bxstr);
1554  B_tup .set_dual(Bxtup);
1555  B_rec .set_dual(Bxrec);
1557  test(_xobj);
1558  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice17()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice17 ( )

Definition at line 1573 of file TestLattice.java.

1573  {
1574  N.reset();
1576  N __obj = new N("__obj");
1577  N A_obj = new N("A_obj",__obj);
1578  N B_obj = new N("B_obj",__obj);
1580  N __ary = new N("__ary",__obj);
1581  N A_ary = new N("A_ary",A_obj);
1582  N B_ary = new N("B_ary",B_obj);
1583  N __tup = new N("__tup",__obj);
1584  N A_tup = new N("A_tup",A_obj);
1585  N B_tup = new N("B_tup",B_obj);
1587  N __str = new N("__str",__ary);
1588  N A_str = new N("A_str",A_ary);
1589  N B_str = new N("B_str",B_ary);
1590  N __rec = new N("__rec",__tup);
1591  N A_rec = new N("A_rec",A_tup);
1592  N B_rec = new N("B_rec",B_tup);
1594  N Axrec = new N("A~rec",A_rec);
1595  N Bxrec = new N("B~rec",B_rec);
1596  N _xrec = new N("_~rec",__rec);
1597  N Axstr = new N("A~str",A_str);
1598  N Bxstr = new N("B~str",B_str);
1599  N _xstr = new N("_~str",__str);
1601  N Axtup = new N("A~tup",Axrec);
1602  N Bxtup = new N("B~tup",Bxrec);
1603  N _xtup = new N("_~tup",_xrec);
1604  N Axary = new N("A~ary",Axstr);
1605  N Bxary = new N("B~ary",Bxstr);
1606  N _xary = new N("_~ary",_xstr);
1608  N Axobj = new N("A~obj",Axary,Axtup);
1609  N Bxobj = new N("B~obj",Bxary,Bxtup);
1610  N _xobj = new N("_~obj",_xtup,_xary,Axobj,Bxobj);
1612  __obj.set_dual(_xobj);
1613  __ary .set_dual(_xary);
1614  __str .set_dual(_xstr);
1615  __tup .set_dual(_xtup);
1616  __rec .set_dual(_xrec);
1617  A_obj .set_dual(Axobj);
1618  A_ary .set_dual(Axary);
1619  A_str .set_dual(Axstr);
1620  A_tup .set_dual(Axtup);
1621  A_rec .set_dual(Axrec);
1622  B_obj .set_dual(Bxobj);
1623  B_ary .set_dual(Bxary);
1624  B_str .set_dual(Bxstr);
1625  B_tup .set_dual(Bxtup);
1626  B_rec .set_dual(Bxrec);
1628  test(_xobj);
1630  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice2()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice2 ( )

Definition at line 319 of file TestLattice.java.

319  {
320  N.reset();
321  N tb0 = new N("[_,_]0" );
322  N tx0 = new N("[x,_]0" ,tb0);
323  N ty0 = new N("[y,_]0" ,tb0);
324  N tt0 = new N("[^,_]0" ,tx0,ty0);
326  N tb = new N("[_,_]" ,tb0 );
327  N tx = new N("[x,_]" ,tb,tx0);
328  N ty = new N("[y,_]" ,tb,ty0);
329  N tt = new N("[^,_]" ,tx,ty,tt0);
331  N bb0 = new N("[_,^]0" ,tb0);
332  N bx0 = new N("[x,^]0" ,bb0,tx0);
333  N by0 = new N("[y,^]0" ,bb0,ty0);
334  N bt0 = new N("[^,^]0" ,bx0,by0,tt0);
336  // The 8 different flavors of nil...
337  N nilbb = new N("0[_,_]0",tb0);
338  N nilxb = new N("0[x,_]0",tx0);
339  N nilyb = new N("0[y,_]0",ty0);
340  N niltb = new N("0[^,_]0",tt0);
341  N nilbt = new N("0[_,^]0",bb0);
342  N nilxt = new N("0[x,^]0",bx0);
343  N nilyt = new N("0[y,^]0",by0);
344  N niltt = new N("0[^,^]0",bt0);
345  // Attempt a single nil
346  //N nil = new N("0",tb0,tx0,ty0,tt0,bb0,bx0,by0,bt0);
347  //N nilbb=nil, nilxb=nil, nilyb=nil, niltb=nil, nilbt=nil, nilxt=nil, nilyt=nil, niltt=nil;
349  N tbp = new N("[_,_]+" ,tb,nilbb);
350  N txp = new N("[x,_]+" ,tbp,tx,nilxb);
351  N typ = new N("[y,_]+" ,tbp,ty,nilyb);
352  N ttp = new N("[^,_]+" ,txp,typ,tt,niltb);
354  N bb = new N("[_,^]" ,tb, bb0 );
355  N bx = new N("[x,^]" ,bb,bx0,tx);
356  N by = new N("[y,^]" ,bb,by0,ty);
357  N bt = new N("[^,^]" ,bx,by,bt0,tt);
359  N bbp = new N("[_,^]+" ,bb,tbp,nilbt);
360  N bxp = new N("[x,^]+" ,bbp,bx,txp,nilxt);
361  N byp = new N("[y,^]+" ,bbp,by,typ,nilyt);
362  N btp = new N("[^,^]+" ,bxp,byp,bt,ttp,niltt);
364  // Mark the non-centerline duals
365  btp.set_dual(tb0);
366  byp.set_dual(ty0);
367  bxp.set_dual(tx0);
368  bbp.set_dual(tt0);
370  bt .set_dual(tb );
371  bx .set_dual(tx );
372  by .set_dual(ty );
373  bb .set_dual(tt );
375  nilbb.set_dual(niltt);
376  nilxb.set_dual(nilxt);
377  nilyb.set_dual(nilyt);
378  niltb.set_dual(nilbt);
380  bb0.set_dual(ttp);
381  bx0.set_dual(txp);
382  by0.set_dual(typ);
383  bt0.set_dual(tbp);
385  test(btp);
386  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice3()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice3 ( )

Definition at line 401 of file TestLattice.java.

401  {
402  N.reset();
403  N num = new N( "num" );
404  N nnum= new N("N:num",num);
405  N mnum= new N("M:num",num);
406  N i64= new N( "int",num );
407  N ni64= new N("N:int",i64,nnum );
408  N mi64= new N("M:int",i64,mnum );
410  N i0 = new N( "0", i64);
411  N i7 = new N( "7", i64);
412  N ni0 = new N("N:0", ni64);
413  N ni7 = new N("N:7", ni64);
414  N mi0 = new N("M:0", mi64);
415  N mi7 = new N("M:7", mi64);
417  N nx64= new N("N:~int",ni0,ni7 );
418  N mx64= new N("M:~int",mi0,mi7 );
419  N x64= new N( "~int",nx64,mx64, i0, i7 );
420  N nxum= new N("N:~num",nx64 );
421  N mxum= new N("M:~num",mx64 );
422  N xum= new N( "~num",nxum,mxum,x64 );
424  // Mark the non-centerline duals
425  num.set_dual( xum);
426  nnum.set_dual(nxum);
427  mnum.set_dual(mxum);
428  i64.set_dual( x64);
429  ni64.set_dual(nx64);
430  mi64.set_dual(mx64);
432  test(xum);
433  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice4()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice4 ( )

Definition at line 465 of file TestLattice.java.

465  {
466  N.reset();
467  N scal= new N("scalar");
468  N num =new N("num" ,scal);
469  N oop0= new N("oop?" ,scal);
470  N str0= new N("str?" ,oop0);
471  N i640= new N("{i64}?" ,oop0);
472  N i64 = new N("{i64}" ,i640);
473  N i80 = new N("{i8}?" ,i640);
474  N i8 = new N("{i8}" ,i80,i64);
475  N str = new N("str" ,str0);
476  N abc0= new N("abc?" ,str0);
477  N t00 = new N("{nil}?" ,i80);
478  N abc = new N("abc" ,abc0,str);
479  N t7 = new N("{7}" ,i8);
480  N t0 = new N("{nil}" ,i8,t00);
481  N nil = new N("nil" ,t00,abc0,num);
482  N abc_= new N("abc+?" ,abc,nil);
483  N t0_ = new N("{nil}+?" ,nil,t0);
484  N xstr= new N("~str" ,abc);
485  N xi8 = new N("~{~i8}" ,t0,t7);
486  N xi8_= new N("~{~i8}+?",xi8,t0_);
487  N xstr_=new N("~str+?" ,xstr,abc_);
488  N xi64= new N("~{~i64}" ,xi8);
489  N xi64_=new N("~{~i64}+?",xi64,xi8_);
490  N oop_ =new N("~oop+?" ,xi64_,xstr_);
491  N xnum =new N("~num" ,nil);
492  N xscal=new N("~scalar" ,oop_,xnum);
494  // Mark the non-centerline duals
495  scal.set_dual(xscal);
496  num .set_dual(xnum );
497  oop0.set_dual( oop_);
498  str0.set_dual(xstr_);
499  i640.set_dual(xi64_);
500  i64 .set_dual(xi64 );
501  str .set_dual(xstr );
502  i80 .set_dual(xi8_ );
503  i8 .set_dual(xi8 );
504  t00 .set_dual(t0_ );
505  abc0.set_dual(abc_ );
507  test(xscal);
508  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice5()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice5 ( )

Definition at line 523 of file TestLattice.java.

523  {
524  N.reset();
525  N scal= new N("scalar");
526  N num =new N("num" ,scal);
527  N oop0= new N("oop?" ,scal);
528  N str0= new N("str?" ,oop0);
529  N i64 = new N("{i64}" ,oop0); // tuple with a single int field
531  N i8 = new N("{i8}" ,i64);
532  N str = new N("str" ,str0);
533  N abc = new N("abc" ,str);
534  N def = new N("def" ,str);
535  N t7 = new N("{7}" ,i8);
536  N t0 = new N("{nil}" ,i8); // two different flavors of nil
537  N nil = new N("nil" ,str0,num); // two different flavors of nil
538  N xstr= new N("~str" ,abc,def);
539  N xi8 = new N("~{~i8}" ,t0,t7);
541  N xstr_=new N("~str+?" ,xstr,nil);
542  N xi64= new N("~{~i64}" ,xi8);
543  N oop_ =new N("~oop+?" ,xi64,xstr_);
544  N xnum =new N("~num" ,nil);
545  N xscal=new N("~scalar" ,oop_,xnum);
547  // Mark the non-centerline duals
548  scal.set_dual(xscal);
549  num .set_dual(xnum );
550  oop0.set_dual( oop_);
551  str0.set_dual(xstr_);
552  i64 .set_dual(xi64 );
553  i8 .set_dual(xi8 );
554  str .set_dual(xstr );
556  test(xscal);
557  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice6()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice6 ( )

Definition at line 573 of file TestLattice.java.

573  {
574  N.reset();
575  N scal= new N("scalar");
576  N oop0= new N("oop?" ,scal);
577  N i64 = new N("i64" ,scal);
578  N n64 = new N("N:i64" ,i64);
579  N m64 = new N("M:i64" ,i64);
581  N i8 = new N("i8" ,i64);
582  N n8 = new N("N:i8" ,n64,i8);
583  N m8 = new N("M:i8" ,m64,i8);
585  N nil = new N("nil" ,i8);
586  N c7 = new N("7" ,i8);
587  N m0 = new N("M:0" ,m8);
588  N m7 = new N("M:7" ,m8);
589  N n0 = new N("N:0" ,n8);
590  N n7 = new N("N:7" ,n8);
591  N abc = new N("abc" ,oop0);
593  N xn8 = new N("N:~i8" ,n0,n7);
594  N xm8 = new N("M:~i8" ,m0,m7);
595  N xi8 = new N("~i8" ,xn8,xm8,c7,nil);
597  N xm64= new N("M:~i64" ,xm8);
598  N xn64= new N("N:~i64" ,xn8);
599  N xi64= new N("~i64" ,xn64,xm64,xi8);
600  N xoop= new N("~oop+?" ,abc);
602  N xscal=new N("~scalar" ,xoop,xi64);
604  // Mark the non-centerline duals
605  scal.set_dual(xscal);
606  oop0.set_dual(xoop );
607  i64 .set_dual(xi64 );
608  n64 .set_dual(xn64 );
609  m64 .set_dual(xm64 );
610  i8 .set_dual(xi8 );
611  n8 .set_dual(xn8 );
612  m8 .set_dual(xm8 );
614  test(xscal);
615  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice6_1()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice6_1 ( )

Definition at line 642 of file TestLattice.java.

642  {
643  N.reset();
644  N scal= new N("scalar");
645  N nzscal= new N("nzscalar",scal);
646  N oop0= new N("oop?" ,scal);
647  N i64 = new N("i64" ,scal);
648  N nzi64 = new N("nzi64" ,i64,nzscal);
649  N n64 = new N("N:i64" ,i64);
650  N m64 = new N("M:i64" ,i64);
651  N nzn64 = new N("N:nzi64" ,n64);
652  N nzm64 = new N("M:nzi64" ,m64);
654  N i1 = new N("i1" ,i64);
655  N n8 = new N("N:i1" ,n64,i1);
656  N m8 = new N("M:i1" ,m64,i1);
658  N nil = new N("nil" ,i1);
659  N c1 = new N("1" ,i1,nzi64);
660  N m0 = new N("M:0" ,m8);
661  N m1 = new N("M:1" ,m8,nzm64);
662  N n0 = new N("N:0" ,n8);
663  N n1 = new N("N:1" ,n8,nzn64);
664  N abc = new N("abc" ,oop0);
666  N xn8 = new N("N:~i1" ,n0,n1);
667  N xm8 = new N("M:~i1" ,m0,m1);
668  N xi1 = new N("~i1" ,xn8,xm8,c1,nil);
670  N xnzm64= new N("M:~nzi64" ,m1);
671  N xnzn64= new N("N:~nzi64" ,n1);
672  N xm64= new N("M:~i64" ,xm8,xnzm64);
673  N xn64= new N("N:~i64" ,xn8,xnzn64);
674  N xnzi64= new N("~nzi64" ,c1);
675  N xi64= new N("~i64" ,xn64,xm64,xi1,xnzi64);
676  N xoop= new N("~oop+?" ,abc);
678  N xnzscal=new N("~nzscalar" ,xnzi64);
679  N xscal=new N("~scalar" ,xoop,xi64,xnzscal);
681  // Mark the non-centerline duals
682  scal.set_dual(xscal);
683  nzscal.set_dual(xnzscal);
684  oop0.set_dual(xoop );
685  i64 .set_dual(xi64 );
686  nzi64 .set_dual(xnzi64 );
687  n64 .set_dual(xn64 );
688  m64 .set_dual(xm64 );
689  nzn64 .set_dual(xnzn64 );
690  nzm64 .set_dual(xnzm64 );
691  i1 .set_dual(xi1 );
692  n8 .set_dual(xn8 );
693  m8 .set_dual(xm8 );
695  test(xscal);
696  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice7()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice7 ( )

Definition at line 711 of file TestLattice.java.

711  {
712  N.reset();
713  N scal= new N("scalar");
714  N num = new N("num" ,scal);
715  N oop0= new N("oop?" ,scal);
716  N oop = new N("oop" ,oop0);
717  N xi0 = new N("@{x:i64}?",oop0);
718  N yi0 = new N("@{y:i64}?",oop0);
719  N xi = new N("@{x:i64}" ,xi0,oop );
720  N yi = new N("@{y:i64}" ,yi0,oop );
721  N x0 = new N("@{x:nil}" ,xi );
722  N y0 = new N("@{y:nil}" ,yi );
723  N nil = new N("nil" ,xi0,yi0,num);
724  N xix = new N("~@{x:~i64}",x0 );
725  N yix = new N("~@{y:~i64}",y0 );
726  N xi_ = new N("~@{x:~i64}+0",xix,nil);
727  N yi_ = new N("~@{y:~i64}+0",yix,nil);
728  N oopx= new N("~oop" ,xix,yix);
729  N oop_= new N("~oop+0" ,xi_,yi_,oopx);
730  N numx= new N("~num" ,nil);
731  N xscal=new N("~scalar" ,oop_,numx);
733  // Mark the non-centerline duals
734  scal.set_dual(xscal);
735  num .set_dual(numx );
736  oop0.set_dual(oop_ );
737  oop .set_dual(oopx );
738  xi0 .set_dual(xi_ );
739  yi0 .set_dual(yi_ );
740  xi .set_dual(xix );
741  yi .set_dual(yix );
743  test(xscal);
744  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice8()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice8 ( )

Definition at line 775 of file TestLattice.java.

775  {
776  N.reset();
777  N scal= new N("scalar");
779  N num = new N("num" ,scal);
780  N inil= new N("0:int" ,num);
782  N oop0= new N("oop?" ,scal);
783  N oop = new N("oop" ,oop0);
784  N i0 = new N("(i64)?" ,oop0);
785  N f0 = new N("(f64)?" ,oop0);
786  N i70 = new N("(7)?" ,i0);
787  N f70 = new N("(7.)?" ,f0);
788  N i = new N("(i64)" ,oop,i0);
789  N f = new N("(f64)" ,oop,f0);
790  N n0 = new N("(nil)?" ,i70,f70);
792  N n = new N("(nil)" ,n0,i,f);
793  N i7 = new N("(7)" ,i);
794  N f7 = new N("(7.)" ,f);
795  N tnil= new N("0:tup" ,n0);
797  N str0= new N("str?" ,oop0);
798  N str = new N("str" ,str0,oop );
799  N abc0= new N("abc?" ,str0);
800  N def0= new N("def?" ,str0);
802  N abc = new N("abc" ,str,abc0);
803  N def = new N("def" ,str,def0);
804  N abcnil= new N("0:abc",abc0);
805  N defnil= new N("0:def",def0);
807  N abc_= new N("abc+0" ,abc,abcnil);
808  N def_= new N("def+0" ,def,defnil);
809  N strx= new N("~str" ,abc,def);
810  N str_= new N("~str+0" ,strx,abc_,def_);
812  N n_ = new N("(nil)+0" ,tnil,n);
813  N ix = new N("(~i64)" ,n,i7);
814  N fx = new N("(~f64)" ,n,f7);
815  N i7_ = new N("(7)+0" ,n_);
816  N f7_ = new N("(7.)+0" ,n_);
817  N i_ = new N("(~i64)+0",ix,i7_);
818  N f_ = new N("(~f64)+0",fx,f7_);
819  N oopx= new N("~oop" ,ix,fx,strx);
820  N oop_= new N("~oop+0" ,oopx,i_,f_,str_);
822  N numx= new N("~num" ,inil);
824  N xscl= new N("~scalar" ,oop_,numx);
826  // Mark the non-centerline duals
827  scal.set_dual(xscl );
828  num .set_dual(numx );
829  oop0.set_dual(oop_ );
830  oop .set_dual(oopx );
831  i0 .set_dual(i_ );
832  f0 .set_dual(f_ );
833  i70 .set_dual(i7_ );
834  f70 .set_dual(f7_ );
835  i .set_dual(ix );
836  f .set_dual(fx );
837  n0 .set_dual(n_ );
839  str0.set_dual(str_ );
840  str .set_dual(strx );
841  abc0.set_dual(abc_ );
842  def0.set_dual(def_ );
844  test(xscl);
845  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testLattice9()

void com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.testLattice9 ( )

Definition at line 860 of file TestLattice.java.

860  {
861  N.reset();
862  N bot = new N("( ALL,ALL)");
863  N i64 = new N("( i64,ALL)",bot);
864  N str = new N("( str,ALL)",bot);
866  N xi64= new N("(~i64,ALL)",i64);
867  N xstr= new N("(~str,ALL)",str);
869  N xbot= new N("( ANY,ALL)",xstr,xi64);
870  N xtop= new N("( ALL,ANY)",bot);
872  N i64x= new N("( i64,ANY)",xtop);
873  N strx= new N("( str,ANY)",xtop);
875  N xi64x=new N("(~i64,ANY)",i64x);
876  N xstrx=new N("(~str,ANY)",strx);
878  N top = new N("( ANY,ANY)" ,xi64x,xstrx,xbot);
880  // Mark the non-centerline duals
881  bot.set_dual(top);
882  xbot.set_dual(xtop);
884  i64.set_dual(xi64x);
885  str.set_dual(xstrx);
887  xi64.set_dual(i64x);
888  xstr.set_dual(strx);
890  test(top);
891  }

References com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.reset(), com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.N.set_dual(), and com.cliffc.aa.TestLattice.test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
static void test(N top)
Definition: TestLattice.java:156