com.cliffc.aa.Parse Class Reference

an implementation of language AA More...

Inheritance diagram for com.cliffc.aa.Parse:
Collaboration diagram for com.cliffc.aa.Parse:

Public Attributes

final GVNGCM _gvn

Package Functions

 Parse (String src, Env env, String str)
UnOrFunPtrNode bal_open ()
Node bfact (int oldx, UnOrFunPtrNode bfun)
 A balanced operator as a fact(). More...
Node do_exit (ScopeNode s, Node rez)
String dump ()
String dumprpo ()
TypeEnv go ()

Static Package Functions

static boolean isOp (String s)

Private Member Functions

Node _expr (int prec)
Node _expr_higher (int prec, Node lhs)
Node _expr_higher_require (int prec, String bintok, Node lhs)
boolean _good_prec_tok (int prec, String bintok)
Node _short_circuit_expr (Node lhs, int prec, String bintok, Node op, int opx, int lhsx, int rhsx)
Node apply ()
 Parse a lisp-like function application. More...
Node expr ()
 Parse an expression, a series of terms separated by binary operators. More...
Node fact ()
 Parse a factor, a leaf grammar token fact = num // number fact = "string" // string fact = (stmts) // General statements parsed recursively fact = (tuple,*) // tuple; first comma required, trailing comma not required fact = balop+ stmts balop- // Constructor with initial size Ex: [ 7 ] // Array constructor fact = balop+ stmts[, stmts]* balop- // Constructor with initial elements Ex: [ 1 , 2 ] // Array constructor with initial elements fact = {binop} // Special syntactic form of binop; no spaces allowed; returns function constant fact = {uniop} // Special syntactic form of uniop; no spaces allowed; returns function constant fact = {func} // Anonymous function declaration fact = id // variable lookup, NOT a binop or uniop but might be e.g. More...
int field_number ()
Node func ()
TypeEnv gather_errors ()
Node ifex ()
 Parse an if-expression, with lazy eval on the branches. More...
Node inc (String tok, int d)
Node merge_exits (Node rez)
Type number ()
void prog ()
 Parse a top-level: prog = stmts END. More...
void remove_unknown_callers ()
Node stmt (boolean lookup_current_scope_only)
 A statement is a list of variables to final-assign or re-assign, and an ifex for the value. More...
Node stmts ()
 Parse a list of statements; final semi-colon is optional. More...
Node stmts (boolean lookup_current_scope_only)
Node string ()
 Parse a String; _x is at '"'. More...
Node struct ()
 Parse anonymous struct; the opening "@{" already parsed. More...
Node term ()
 Any number field-lookups or function applications, then an optional assignment term = id++ | id– term = uniop term term = tfact [tuple | .field | [.field[:]=stmt | .field++ | .field– | e] term = tfact bopen stmts bclose // if bopen/bclose is arity-2 e.g. More...
Node tfact ()
 Parse an optionally typed factor tfact = fact[:type]. More...
String token ()
String token0 ()
Node tstmt ()
 A type-statement assigns a type to a type variable. More...
Node tuple (int oldx, Node s, int first_arg_start)
 Parse a tuple; first stmt but not the ',' parsed. More...
Node typechk (Node x, Type t, Node mem, Parse bad)

Private Attributes

final byte[] _buf
Env _e
int _lastNWS
final AryInt _lines
final NumberFormat _nf
final ParsePosition _pp
final String _src
final String _str
int _x

Static Private Attributes

static final Access args_are_mutable =Access.Final
 Parse an anonymous function; the opening '{' already parsed. More...
private< N extends Node > N init (N n)
private< N extends Node > N set_ctrl (N n)
Parse errMsg ()
Parse errMsg (int x)
Parse[] errMsgs (int... xs)
Type type ()
 Parse a type or return null type = tcon | tfun | tary | tstruct | ttuple | tvar // Type choices tcon = int, int[1,8,16,32,64], flt, flt[32,64], real, str[?] tary = '[' type? ']' // Cannot specify type for array size tfun = {[[type]* ->]? type } // Function types mirror func decls tmod = = | := | == // '=' is r/final, ':=' is r/w, '==' is read-only tstruct = [id [tmod [type?]];]*} // Struct types are field names with optional types. More...
Type typev ()
Type typep (boolean type_var)
Type typeq (Type t)
Access tmod ()
Type type0 (boolean type_var)
void require (char c, int oldx)
void require (String s, int oldx)
boolean peek (char c)
boolean peek_noWS (char c)
boolean peek1 (byte c0, char c)
boolean peek2 (byte c0, String s2)
boolean peek (String s)
boolean peek_not (char c, char no)
String peek (String[] toks)
boolean peek1 (String tok)
byte skipWS ()
 Advance parse pointer to the first non-whitespace character, and return that character, -1 otherwise. More...
void skipEOL ()
void skipBlock ()
void skipNonWS ()
void kill (Node n)
Node mem ()
void set_mem (Node n)
ConNode con (Type t)
ScopeNode lookup_scope (String tok, boolean lookup_current_scope_only)
void create (String tok, Node n, Access mutable)
Node get_display_ptr (ScopeNode scope)
Node[] args (Node a0, Node a1)
Node[] args (Node a0, Node a1, Node a2)
Node[] args (Node a0, Node a1, Node a2, Node a3)
Node[] _args (Node[] args)
Node do_call (Parse[] bads, Node... args)
Node do_call0 (boolean unpack, Parse[] bads, Node... args)
ErrNode err_ctrl1 (Node.ErrMsg msg)
ErrNode err_ctrl2 (String msg)
void err_ctrl0 (String s)
void err_ctrl3 (String s, Parse open)
 Parse (Parse P)
static boolean isWS (byte c)
 Return true if c passes a test. More...
static boolean isAlpha0 (byte c)
static boolean isAlpha1 (byte c)
static boolean isOp0 (byte c)
static boolean isOp1 (byte c)
static boolean isDigit (byte c)
Node gvn (Node n)
Node ctrl ()
Node lookup (String tok)
ScopeNode scope ()
String errLocMsg (String s)
String toString ()
boolean equals (Object loc)
int hashCode ()
int compareTo (Parse loc)

Detailed Description

an implementation of language AA

GRAMMAR: prog = stmts END stmts= [tstmt|stmt][; stmts]*[;]? // multiple statements; final ';' is optional tstmt= tvar = :type // type variable assignment stmt = [id[:type] [:]=]* ifex // ids are (re-)assigned, and are available in later statements stmt = ^ifex // Early function exit ifex = apply [? stmt [: stmt]] // trinary short-circuit logic; missing ":stmt" will default to 0 apply= expr | expr expr* // Lisp-like application-as-adjacent expr = term [binop term]* // gather all the binops and sort by precedence term = uniop term // Any number of prefix uniops term = id++ | id– // then postfix update ops term = tfact bopen stmts bclose // if bopen/bclose is arity-2 e.g. ary[idx] term = tfact bopen stmts bclose stmt // if bopen/bclose is arity-3 e.g. ary[idx]=val term = tfact post // A term is a tfact and some more stuff... post = empty // A term can be just a plain 'tfact' post = (tuple) post // Application argument list post = .field post // Field and tuple lookup post = .field [:]= stmt // Field (re)assignment. Plain '=' is a final assignment post = .field++ | .field– // Allowed anytime a := is allowed post = :type post // TODO: Add this, remove 'tfact' tfact= fact[:type] // Typed fact fact = id // variable lookup fact = num // number fact = "string" // string fact = [stmts] // array decl with size fact = [stmts,[stmts,]*] // array decl with tuple fact = (stmts) // General statements parsed recursively fact = (tuple) // Tuple builder fact = func // Anonymous function declaration fact = stmts } // Anonymous struct declaration, assignments define fields fact = {binop} // Special syntactic form of binop; no spaces allowed; returns function constant fact = {uniop} // Special syntactic form of uniop; no spaces allowed; returns function constant tuple= (stmts,[stmts,]) // Tuple; final comma is optional, first comma is required binop= +-*%&|/<>!= [ ]= // etc; primitive lookup; can determine infix binop at parse-time uniop= -!~# a // etc; primitive lookup; can determine infix uniop at parse-time func = { [id[:type]* ->]? stmts} // Anonymous function declaration, if no args then the -> is optional // Pattern matching: 1 arg is the arg; 2+ args break down a (required) tuple str = [.%]* // String contents; \t
\r% standard escapes str = %[num]?[.num]?fact // Percent escape embeds a 'fact' in a string; "name=%name\n" type = tcon | tvar | tfun[?] | tstruct[?] | ttuple[?] // Types are a tcon or a tfun or a tstruct or a type variable. A trailing ? means 'nilable' tcon = int, int[1,8,16,32,64], flt, flt[32,64], real, str[?] tfun = {[[type]* ->]? type } // Function types mirror func declarations ttuple = ( [[type],]* ) // Tuple types are just a list of optional types; the count of commas dictates the length, zero commas is zero length. Tuples are always final. tmod = := | = | == // ':=' or '' is r/w, '=' is final, '==' is r/o tstruct = [id [tmod [type?]],]*} // Struct types are field names with optional types. Spaces not allowed tvar = id // Type variable lookup

Definition at line 68 of file Parse.java.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Parse() [1/2]

com.cliffc.aa.Parse.Parse ( String  src,
Env  env,
String  str 

Definition at line 82 of file Parse.java.

82  {
83  _src = src;
84  _e = env;
85  _buf = str.getBytes();
86  _x = 0;
88  // Set fields strictly for Java number parsing
89  _nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
90  _nf.setGroupingUsed(false);
91  _pp = new ParsePosition(0);
92  _str = str; // Keep a complete string copy for java number parsing
93  _lines = new AryInt();//
94  _lines.push(0); // Line 0 at offset 0
95  _gvn = Env.GVN; // Pessimistic during parsing
96  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._gvn, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._lines, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._nf, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._pp, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._src, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._str, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Env.GVN, and com.cliffc.aa.util.AryInt.push().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.equals(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Parse() [2/2]

com.cliffc.aa.Parse.Parse ( Parse  P)

Member Function Documentation

◆ _args()

Node [] com.cliffc.aa.Parse._args ( Node[]  args)

Definition at line 1398 of file Parse.java.

1398  {
1399  //args[MEM_IDX] = gvn(new FreshNode(_e._nongen,ctrl(),mem())).keep(); // Always memory
1400  for( int i=ARG_IDX; i<args.length; i++ ) args[i].keep(); // Hook all args before reducing display
1401  args[DSP_IDX] = gvn(new FreshNode(_e._nongen,ctrl(),gvn(new FP2DispNode(args[DSP_IDX])))); // Reduce display
1402  args[CTL_IDX] = ctrl(); // Always control
1403  args[MEM_IDX] = mem(); // Always memory
1404  for( int i=ARG_IDX; i<args.length; i++ ) {
1405  args[i].unkeep();
1406  // Generally might want this in unkeep(), except for cost
1407  if( args[i]._val.is_con() ) Env.GVN.add_reduce(args[i]);
1408  }
1409  return args;
1410  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.Env._nongen, com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.add_reduce(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.GVN, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _expr()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr ( int  prec)

Definition at line 465 of file Parse.java.

465  {
466  int lhsx = _x; // Invariant: WS already skipped
467  Node lhs = _expr_higher(prec,null);
468  if( lhs==null ) return null;
469  while( true ) { // Kleene star at this precedence
470  // Look for a binop at this precedence level
471  int opx = _x; // Invariant: WS already skipped
472  String bintok = peek(PrimNode.PRIM_TOKS);
473  if( !_good_prec_tok(prec,bintok) ) return lhs; // No token at this precedence
474  _x += bintok.length();
475  skipWS();
476  int rhsx = _x; // Invariant: WS already skipped
477  lhs.keep();
478  // Get the matching FunPtr (or Unresolved).
479  // This is a primitive lookup and always returns a FRESH copy (see HM.Ident).
480  UnOrFunPtrNode op = _e.lookup_filter_fresh(bintok.intern(),2,ctrl()); // BinOp, or null
481  assert op!=null; // Since found valid token, must find matching primnode
482  FunNode sfun = op.funptr().fun();
483  assert sfun._op_prec == prec;
484  // Check for Thunking the RHS
485  if( sfun._thunk_rhs ) {
486  lhs = _short_circuit_expr(lhs.unkeep(),prec,bintok,op,opx,lhsx,rhsx);
487  } else { // Not a thunk! Eager evaluation of RHS
488  op.keep();
489  Node rhs = _expr_higher_require(prec,bintok,lhs.unkeep());
490  // Emit the call to both terms
491  // LHS in unhooked prior to optimizing/replacing.
492  lhs = do_call(errMsgs(opx,lhsx,rhsx), args(op.unkeep(),lhs,rhs));
493  }
494  // Invariant: LHS is unhooked
495  }
496  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr_higher(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr_higher_require(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse._good_prec_tok(), com.cliffc.aa.node.FunNode._op_prec, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr(), com.cliffc.aa.node.FunNode._thunk_rhs, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsgs(), com.cliffc.aa.node.FunPtrNode.fun(), com.cliffc.aa.node.UnOrFunPtrNode.funptr(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.lookup_filter_fresh(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.node.PrimNode.PRIM_TOKS, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr_higher(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.expr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _expr_higher()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr_higher ( int  prec,
Node  lhs 

Definition at line 499 of file Parse.java.

499  {
500  if( lhs != null ) lhs.keep();
501  Node rhs = prec+1 == PrimNode.PREC_TOKS.length ? term() : _expr(prec+1);
502  if( lhs != null ) lhs.unkeep();
503  return rhs;
504  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.node.PrimNode.PREC_TOKS, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr_higher_require().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _expr_higher_require()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr_higher_require ( int  prec,
String  bintok,
Node  lhs 

Definition at line 505 of file Parse.java.

505  {
506  Node rhs = _expr_higher(prec,lhs);
507  return rhs==null ? err_ctrl2("Missing term after '"+bintok+"'") : rhs;
508  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr_higher(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _good_prec_tok()

boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse._good_prec_tok ( int  prec,
String  bintok 

Definition at line 510 of file Parse.java.

510  {
511  if( bintok==null ) return false;
512  for( String tok : PrimNode.PREC_TOKS[prec] ) if( Util.eq(bintok,tok) ) return true;
513  return false;
514  }

References com.cliffc.aa.util.Util.eq(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.PrimNode.PREC_TOKS.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _short_circuit_expr()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr ( Node  lhs,
int  prec,
String  bintok,
Node  op,
int  opx,
int  lhsx,
int  rhsx 

Definition at line 521 of file Parse.java.

521  {
522  // Capture state so we can unwind after parsing delayed execution
523  NewObjNode stk = scope().stk(); // Display
524  Node old_ctrl = ctrl().keep(2);
525  Node old_mem = mem ().keep(2);
526  op.keep(2);
527  TypeStruct old_ts = stk._ts;
528  Ary<Node> old_defs = stk._defs.deepCopy();
529  lhs.keep(2);
531  // Insert a thunk header to capture the delayed execution
532  ThunkNode thunk = (ThunkNode)gvn(new ThunkNode(mem()));
533  set_ctrl(thunk);
534  set_mem (gvn(new ParmNode(MEM_IDX,"mem",thunk.keep(2),TypeMem.MEM,Env.DEFMEM,null)));
536  // Delayed execution parse of RHS
537  Node rhs = _expr_higher_require(prec,bintok,lhs);
539  // Insert thunk tail, unwind memory state
540  ThretNode thet = gvn(new ThretNode(ctrl(),mem(),rhs,Env.GVN.add_flow(thunk.unkeep(2)))).keep(2);
541  set_ctrl(old_ctrl.unkeep(2));
542  set_mem (old_mem .unkeep(2));
543  for( int i=0; i<old_defs._len; i++ )
544  assert old_defs.at(i)==stk._defs.at(i); // Nothing peeked thru the Thunk & updated outside
546  // Emit the call to both terms. Both the emitted call and the thunk MUST
547  // inline right now.
548  lhs = do_call(errMsgs(opx,lhsx,rhsx), args(op.unkeep(2),lhs.unkeep(2),thet.unkeep(2)));
549  assert thunk.is_dead() && thet.is_dead(); // Thunk, in fact, inlined
551  // Extra variables in the thunk not available after the thunk.
552  // Set them to Err.
553  if( stk._ts != old_ts ) {
554  lhs.keep(2);
555  for( int i=old_defs._len; i<stk._defs._len; i++ ) {
556  String fname = stk._ts.fld(i-1)._fld;
557  String msg = "'"+fname+"' not defined prior to the short-circuit";
558  Parse bad = errMsg(rhsx);
559  Node err = gvn(new ErrNode(ctrl(),bad,msg));
560  set_mem(gvn(new StoreNode(mem(),scope().ptr(),err,Access.Final,fname,bad)));
561  }
562  lhs.unkeep(2);
563  }
564  return lhs;
565  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr_higher_require(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >._len, com.cliffc.aa.node.NewNode< T extends TypeObj< T >._ts, com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.add_flow(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.at(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.DEFMEM, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsgs(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.Final, com.cliffc.aa.Env.GVN, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.is_dead(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMem.MEM, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_mem(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.stk(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ apply()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.apply ( )

Parse a lisp-like function application.

To avoid the common bug of forgetting a ';', these must be on the same line. apply = expr apply = expr expr*

Definition at line 427 of file Parse.java.

427  {
428  Node expr = expr();
429  if( expr == null ) return null;
430  while( true ) {
431  skipWS();
432  int oldx = _x;
433  int old_last = _lastNWS;
434  expr.keep(2); // Keep alive across argument parse
435  Node arg = expr();
436  if( arg==null ) return expr.unkeep(2);
437  // To avoid the common bug of forgetting a ';', these must be on the same line.
438  int line_last = _lines.binary_search(old_last);
439  int line_now = _lines.binary_search(_x);
440  if( line_last != line_now ) {
441  _x = oldx; _lastNWS = old_last; expr.unhook();
442  return err_ctrl2("Lisp-like function application split between lines "+line_last+" and "+line_now+", but must be on the same line; possible missing semicolon?");
443  }
444  expr = do_call(errMsgs(oldx,oldx),args(expr.unkeep(2),arg)); // Pass the 1 arg
445  }
446  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._lastNWS, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._lines, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args(), com.cliffc.aa.util.AryInt.binary_search(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsgs(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.expr(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unhook(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ args() [1/3]

Node [] com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args ( Node  a0,
Node  a1 

Definition at line 1395 of file Parse.java.

1395 { return _args(new Node[]{null,null,a0,a1,a0}); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._args().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._args(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.apply(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call0(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ args() [2/3]

Node [] com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args ( Node  a0,
Node  a1,
Node  a2 

Definition at line 1396 of file Parse.java.

1396 { return _args(new Node[]{null,null,a0,a1,a2,a0}); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._args().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ args() [3/3]

Node [] com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args ( Node  a0,
Node  a1,
Node  a2,
Node  a3 

Definition at line 1397 of file Parse.java.

1397 { return _args(new Node[]{null,null,a0,a1,a2,a3,a0}); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._args().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bal_open()

UnOrFunPtrNode com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bal_open ( )

Definition at line 1054 of file Parse.java.

1054  {
1055  int oldx = _x;
1056  String bal = token();
1057  if( bal==null ) return null;
1058  // This is a primitive lookup and always returns a FRESH copy (see HM.Ident).
1059  UnOrFunPtrNode bfun = _e.lookup_filter_fresh(bal.intern(),0,ctrl()); // No nargs filtering
1060  if( bfun==null || bfun.op_prec() != 0 ) { _x=oldx; return null; }
1061  // Actual minimal length uniop might be smaller than the parsed token
1062  // (greedy algo vs not-greed)
1063  _x = oldx+bfun.funptr()._name.length();
1064  return bfun;
1065  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.node.FunPtrNode._name, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.node.UnOrFunPtrNode.funptr(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.lookup_filter_fresh(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.op_prec(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bfact()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bfact ( int  oldx,
UnOrFunPtrNode  bfun 

A balanced operator as a fact().

Any balancing token can be used. bterm = [ stmts ] // size constructor bterm = [ stmts, [stmts,]* ] // tuple constructor

Definition at line 1040 of file Parse.java.

1040  {
1041  skipWS();
1042  int oldx2 = _x; // Start of stmts
1043  Node s = stmts();
1044  if( s==null ) { _x = oldx; return null; } // A bare "()" pair is not a statement
1045  if( peek(',') ) {
1046  _x --; // Reparse the ',' in tuple
1047  throw unimpl();
1048  }
1049  require(bfun.funptr().fun()._bal_close,oldx);
1050  return do_call(errMsgs(oldx,oldx2),args(bfun,s));
1051  }

References com.cliffc.aa.node.FunNode._bal_close, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsgs(), com.cliffc.aa.node.FunPtrNode.fun(), com.cliffc.aa.node.UnOrFunPtrNode.funptr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compareTo()

int com.cliffc.aa.Parse.compareTo ( Parse  loc)

Definition at line 1500 of file Parse.java.

1500  {
1501  int x = _src.compareTo(loc._src);
1502  if( x!=0 ) return x;
1503  return _x - loc._x;
1504  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._src, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x.

◆ con()

ConNode com.cliffc.aa.Parse.con ( Type  t)

Definition at line 1369 of file Parse.java.

1369 { return (ConNode)Node.con(t); }

References com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.con().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_exit(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.prog().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create()

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.create ( String  tok,
Node  n,
Access  mutable 

Definition at line 1375 of file Parse.java.

1375 { scope().stk().create(tok,n,mutable); }

References com.cliffc.aa.node.NewObjNode.create(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.stk().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ctrl()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl ( )

Definition at line 1363 of file Parse.java.

1363 { return scope().ctrl(); }

References com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.ctrl(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._args(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bal_open(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call0(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_exit(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl3(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.merge_exits(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.struct(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ do_call()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call ( Parse[]  bads,
Node...  args 

Definition at line 1414 of file Parse.java.

1414 { return do_call0(true,bads,args); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call0().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.apply(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ do_call0()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call0 ( boolean  unpack,
Parse[]  bads,
Node...  args 

Definition at line 1415 of file Parse.java.

1415  {
1416  CallNode call0 = new CallNode(unpack,bads,args);
1417  CallNode call = (CallNode)gvn(call0);
1418  // Call Epilog takes in the call which it uses to track wireable functions.
1419  // CallEpi internally tracks all wired functions.
1421  CallEpiNode cepi = (CallEpiNode)gvn(new CallEpiNode(call,Env.DEFMEM));
1422  Node ctrl = gvn(new CProjNode(cepi.keep()));
1423  if( ctrl.is_copy(0)!=null ) ctrl = ctrl.is_copy(0); // More aggressively fold, so Thunks can more aggressively assert
1424  set_ctrl(ctrl);
1425  set_mem(gvn(new MProjNode(cepi))); // Return memory from all called functions
1426  // As soon as CEPI is unkeep, a whole lotta things are allowed, including
1427  // e.g. inlining
1428  if( !cepi._is_copy ) {
1429  Env.GVN.add_work_all(cepi);
1430  for( int i = 0; i < cepi.nwired(); i++ )
1431  Env.GVN.add_inline(cepi.wired(i).fun());
1432  } else Env.GVN.add_flow(cepi);
1433  return gvn(new ProjNode(cepi.unkeep(),REZ_IDX));
1434  }

References com.cliffc.aa.node.CallEpiNode._is_copy, com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.add_flow(), com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.add_inline(), com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.add_work_all(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.DEFMEM, com.cliffc.aa.node.RetNode.fun(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.GVN, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.is_copy(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.node.CallEpiNode.nwired(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_mem(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.CallEpiNode.wired().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ do_exit()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_exit ( ScopeNode  s,
Node  rez 

Definition at line 1019 of file Parse.java.

1019  {
1020  Node ctrl = s.early_ctrl();
1021  Node mem = s.early_mem ();
1022  Node val = s.early_val ();
1023  if( ctrl == null ) {
1024  s.set_def(4,ctrl=new RegionNode((Node)null).keep()); ctrl._val=Type.CTRL;
1025  s.set_def(5,mem =new PhiNode(TypeMem.MEM, null,(Node)null).keep());
1026  s.set_def(6,val =new PhiNode(Type.SCALAR, null,(Node)null).keep());
1027  }
1028  ctrl.add_def(ctrl());
1029  mem .add_def(mem ());
1030  val .add_def(rez );
1031  set_ctrl(Env.XCTRL);
1032  set_mem (con(TypeMem.XMEM));
1033  return Env.XNIL;
1034  }

References com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._val, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.add_def(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.con(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.CTRL, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.early_ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.early_mem(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.early_val(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMem.MEM, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.SCALAR, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.set_def(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.XCTRL, com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMem.XMEM, and com.cliffc.aa.Env.XNIL.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Env.early_exit().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dump()

String com.cliffc.aa.Parse.dump ( )

Definition at line 97 of file Parse.java.

97 { return scope().dump(99); }// debugging hook

References com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.dump(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dumprpo()

String com.cliffc.aa.Parse.dumprpo ( )

Definition at line 98 of file Parse.java.

98 { return Env.START.dumprpo(false,false); }// debugging hook

References com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.dumprpo(), and com.cliffc.aa.Env.START.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ equals()

boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.equals ( Object  loc)

Definition at line 1491 of file Parse.java.

1491  {
1492  if( this==loc ) return true;
1493  if( !(loc instanceof Parse) ) return false;
1494  Parse p = (Parse)loc;
1495  return _x==p._x && _src.equals(p._src);
1496  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._src, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.Parse().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.ErrMsg.equals().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ err_ctrl0()

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl0 ( String  s)

Definition at line 1439 of file Parse.java.

1439 { err_ctrl3(s,errMsg()); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl3(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ err_ctrl1()

ErrNode com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl1 ( Node.ErrMsg  msg)

Definition at line 1437 of file Parse.java.

1437 { return init(new ErrNode(Env.START,msg)); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.init(), and com.cliffc.aa.Env.START.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ err_ctrl2()

ErrNode com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2 ( String  msg)

Definition at line 1438 of file Parse.java.

1438 { return init(new ErrNode(ctrl(),errMsg(),msg)).unkeep(); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.init().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr_higher_require(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.apply(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tstmt().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ err_ctrl3()

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl3 ( String  s,
Parse  open 

Definition at line 1440 of file Parse.java.

1440  {
1441  set_ctrl(gvn(new ErrNode(ctrl(),open,s)));
1442  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_ctrl().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl0(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ errLocMsg()

String com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errLocMsg ( String  s)

Definition at line 1466 of file Parse.java.

1466  {
1467  if( s.charAt(0)=='\n' ) return s;
1468  // find line start
1469  int a=_x;
1470  while( a > 0 && _buf[a-1] != '\n' ) --a;
1471  if( _buf[a]=='\r' ) a++; // do not include leading \n or \n\r
1472  // find line end
1473  int b=_x;
1474  while( b < _buf.length && _buf[b] != '\n' ) b++;
1475  if( b < _buf.length ) b--; // do not include trailing \n or \n\r
1476  // Find line number. Bin-search returns the insertion-point, which is the NEXT
1477  // line unless _x is exactly a line start.
1478  int line = _lines.binary_search(_x); // Find zero-based line insertion point
1479  if( line == _lines._len || _lines.at(line)>_x ) line--;
1480  // error message using 1-based line
1481  SB sb = new SB().p(_src).p(':').p(line+1).p(':').p(s).nl();
1482  sb.p(new String(_buf,a,b-a)).nl();
1483  int line_start = a;
1484  for( int i=line_start; i<_x; i++ )
1485  sb.p(' ');
1486  return sb.p('^').nl().toString();
1487  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.util.AryInt._len, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._lines, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._src, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.util.AryInt.at(), com.cliffc.aa.util.AryInt.binary_search(), com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.nl(), com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.p(), and com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.toString().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.ErrMsg.toString().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ errMsg() [1/2]

Parse com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg ( )

Definition at line 1455 of file Parse.java.

1455 { return errMsg(_x); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.Env(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl0(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsgs(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.struct(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tstmt(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ errMsg() [2/2]

Parse com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg ( int  x)

Definition at line 1456 of file Parse.java.

1456 { Parse P = new Parse(this); P._x=x; return P; }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.Parse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ errMsgs()

Parse [] com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsgs ( int...  xs)

Definition at line 1457 of file Parse.java.

1457  {
1458  Parse[] Ps = new Parse[xs.length];
1459  for( int i=0; i<xs.length; i++ )
1460  Ps[i] = xs[i]==0 ? null : errMsg(xs[i]);
1461  return Ps;
1462  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.apply(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ expr()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.expr ( )

Parse an expression, a series of terms separated by binary operators.

Precedence is encoded in the PrimNode.PRECEDENCE table, and reflects here by the expr# recursive calls. expr = term [binop term]* Calls out for the precedence, starting high and working down low. expr = expr9 [binop9 expr9] expr9 = expr8 [binop8 expr8] ... expr2 = expr1 [binop2 expr1] expr1 = term [binop1 term ]

Definition at line 459 of file Parse.java.

459  {
460  skipWS(); // Invariant: WS already skipped before & after each expr depth
461  return _expr(1);
462  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.apply(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fact()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact ( )

Parse a factor, a leaf grammar token fact = num // number fact = "string" // string fact = (stmts) // General statements parsed recursively fact = (tuple,*) // tuple; first comma required, trailing comma not required fact = balop+ stmts balop- // Constructor with initial size Ex: [ 7 ] // Array constructor fact = balop+ stmts[, stmts]* balop- // Constructor with initial elements Ex: [ 1 , 2 ] // Array constructor with initial elements fact = {binop} // Special syntactic form of binop; no spaces allowed; returns function constant fact = {uniop} // Special syntactic form of uniop; no spaces allowed; returns function constant fact = {func} // Anonymous function declaration fact = id // variable lookup, NOT a binop or uniop but might be e.g.

function-valued, including un-/binops as values

Definition at line 772 of file Parse.java.

772  {
773  if( skipWS() == -1 ) return null;
774  byte c = _buf[_x];
775  if( isDigit(c) ) return con(number());
776  if( '"' == c ) {
777  Node str = string();
778  return str==null ? err_ctrl2("Unterminated string") : str;
779  }
780  int oldx = _x;
781  if( peek1(c,'(') ) { // a nested statement or a tuple
782  int first_arg_start = _x;
783  Node s = stmts();
784  if( s==null ) { _x = oldx; return null; } // A bare "()" pair is not a statement
785  if( peek(')') ) return s; // A (grouped) statement
786  if( !peek(',') ) return s; // Not a tuple, probably a syntax error
787  _x --; // Reparse the ',' in tuple
788  return tuple(oldx,s,first_arg_start); // Parse a tuple
789  }
790  // Anonymous function or operator
791  if( peek1(c,'{') ) {
792  String tok = token0();
793  Node op = tok == null ? null : _e.lookup(tok.intern());
794  if( peek('}') && op != null && op.op_prec() > 0 )
795  // This is a primitive operator lookup as a function constant, and
796  // makes a FRESH copy like HM.Ident.
797  return gvn(new FreshNode(_e._nongen,ctrl(),op));
798  _x = oldx+1; // Back to the opening paren
799  return func(); // Anonymous function
800  }
801  // Anonymous struct
802  if( peek2(c,"@{") ) return struct();
804  // Check for a valid 'id'
805  String tok = token0();
806  if( tok == null ) { _x = oldx; return null; }
807  tok = tok.intern();
808  if( Util.eq(tok,"=") || Util.eq(tok,"^") )
809  { _x = oldx; return null; } // Disallow '=' as a fact, too easy to make mistakes
810  ScopeNode scope = lookup_scope(tok,false);
811  if( scope == null ) { // Assume any unknown id is a forward-ref of a recursive function
812  // Ops cannot be forward-refs, so are just 'not a fact'. Cannot declare
813  // them as a undefined forward-ref right now, because the op might be the
814  // tail-half of a balanced-op, which is parsed by term() above.
815  if( isOp(tok) ) { _x = oldx; return null; }
816  // Must be a forward reference
817  Env fref_env = _e.lookup_fref(tok=tok.intern());
818  if( fref_env==null ) fref_env = _e;
819  Node fref = gvn(FunPtrNode.forward_ref(_gvn,tok,errMsg(oldx),fref_env));
820  // Place in nearest enclosing closure scope, this will keep promoting until we find the actual scope
821  fref_env._scope.stk().create(tok,fref,Access.Final);
822  return fref;
823  }
824  Node def = scope.get(tok); // Get top-level value; only sane if no stores allowed to modify it
825  // Disallow uniop and binop functions as factors. Only possible if trying
826  // to use an operator as a factor, such as "plus = {+}" or "f(1,{+},2)".
827  if( def.op_prec() > 0 ) { _x = oldx; return null; }
828  // Balanced ops are similar to "{}", "()" or "@{}".
829  if( def.op_prec()==0 && def._val instanceof TypeFunPtr )
830  return bfact(oldx,(UnOrFunPtrNode)def);
832  // Else must load against most recent display update. Get the display to
833  // load against. If the scope is local, we load against it directly,
834  // otherwise the display is passed in as a hidden argument.
835  // This does a HM.Ident lookup, producing a FRESH tvar every time.
836  Node ptr = get_display_ptr(scope);
837  return gvn(new FreshNode(_e._nongen,ctrl(),gvn(new LoadNode(mem(),ptr,tok.intern(),null))));
838  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._gvn, com.cliffc.aa.Env._nongen, com.cliffc.aa.Env._scope, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._val, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.con(), com.cliffc.aa.node.NewObjNode.create(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Util.eq(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.Final, com.cliffc.aa.node.FunPtrNode.forward_ref(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.get(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.get_display_ptr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isDigit(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.lookup(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.lookup_fref(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.lookup_scope(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.number(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.op_prec(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek1(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.stk(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.string(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token0(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tfact().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ field_number()

int com.cliffc.aa.Parse.field_number ( )

Definition at line 1107 of file Parse.java.

1107  {
1108  byte c = _buf[_x];
1109  if( !isDigit(c) ) return -1;
1110  _x++;
1111  int sum = c-'0';
1112  while( _x < _buf.length && isDigit(c=_buf[_x]) ) {
1113  _x++;
1114  sum = sum*10+c-'0';
1115  }
1116  return sum;
1117  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isDigit().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func ( )

Definition at line 897 of file Parse.java.

897  {
898  int oldx = _x; // Past opening '{'
899  Ary<String> ids = new Ary<>(new String[1],0);
900  Ary<Type > ts = new Ary<>(new Type [1],0);
901  Ary<Parse > bads= new Ary<>(new Parse [1],0);
903  // Push an extra hidden display argument. Similar to java inner-class ptr
904  // or when inside of a struct definition: 'this'.
905  Node parent_display = scope().ptr();
906  TypeMemPtr tpar_disp = (TypeMemPtr) parent_display._val; // Just a TMP of the right alias
907  Node fresh_disp = gvn(new FreshNode(_e._nongen,ctrl(),parent_display)).keep();
909  ids .push(" ctl");
910  ts .push(Type.CTRL);
911  bads.push(null);
912  ids .push(" mem");
913  ts .push(TypeMem.MEM);
914  bads.push(null);
915  ids .push("^");
916  ts .push(tpar_disp);
917  bads.push(null);
919  // Parse arguments
920  while( true ) {
921  String tok = token();
922  if( tok == null ) { _x=oldx; break; } // not a "[id]* ->"
923  if( Util.eq((tok=tok.intern()),"->") ) break; // End of argument list
924  if( !isAlpha0((byte)tok.charAt(0)) ) { _x=oldx; break; } // not a "[id]* ->"
925  Type t = Type.SCALAR; // Untyped, most generic type
926  Parse bad = errMsg(); // Capture location in case of type error
927  if( peek(':') && // Has type annotation?
928  (t=type())==null ) { // Get type
929  // If no type, might be "{ x := ...}" or "{ fun arg := ...}" which can
930  // be valid stmts, hence this may be a no-arg function.
931  if( ids._len-1 <= 2 ) { _x=oldx; break; }
932  else {
933  // Might be: "{ x y z:bad -> body }" which cannot be any stmt. This
934  // is an error in any case. Treat as a bad type on a valid function.
935  err_ctrl0(peek(',') ? "Bad type arg, found a ',' did you mean to use a ';'?" : "Missing or bad type arg");
936  t = Type.SCALAR;
937  skipNonWS(); // Skip possible type sig, looking for next arg
938  }
939  }
940  ids .add(tok); // Accumulate args
941  ts .add(t );
942  bads.add(bad);
943  }
944  // If this is a no-arg function, we may have parsed 1 or 2 tokens as-if
945  // args, and then reset. Also reset to just the mem & display args.
946  if( _x == oldx ) { ids.set_len(ARG_IDX); ts.set_len(ARG_IDX); bads.set_len(ARG_IDX); }
948  try( GVNGCM.Build<Node> X = _gvn.new Build<>()) { // Nest an environment for the local vars
949  // Build the FunNode header
950  FunNode fun = (FunNode)X.xform(new FunNode(ids.asAry(),ts.asAry()).add_def(Env.ALL_CTRL));
951  // Record H-M VStack in case we clone
952  fun.set_nongens(_e._nongen.compact());
953  // Build Parms for system incoming values
954  Node rpc = X.xform(new ParmNode(0 ,"rpc" ,fun,con(TypeRPC.ALL_CALL),null));
955  Node mem = X.xform(new ParmNode(MEM_IDX," mem",fun,TypeMem.MEM,Env.DEFMEM,null));
956  Node clo = X.xform(new ParmNode(DSP_IDX,"^" ,fun,con(tpar_disp),null));
958  // Increase scope depth for function body.
959  try( Env e = new Env(_e,errMsg(oldx-1), true, fun, mem) ) { // Nest an environment for the local vars
960  _e = e; // Push nested environment
961  // Display is special: the default is simply the outer lexical scope.
962  // But here, in a function, the display is actually passed in as a hidden
963  // extra argument and replaces the default.
964  NewObjNode stk = e._scope.stk();
965  stk.update(0,Access.Final,clo);
966  // Add a nongen memory arg
967  _e._nongen.add_var(" mem",mem.tvar());
969  // Parms for all arguments
970  Parse errmsg = errMsg(); // Lazy error message
971  for( int i=ARG_IDX; i<ids._len; i++ ) { // User parms start
972  Node parm = X.xform(new ParmNode(i,ids.at(i),fun,con(Type.SCALAR),errmsg));
973  _e._nongen.add_var(ids.at(i),parm.tvar());
974  create(ids.at(i),parm, args_are_mutable);
975  }
977  // Parse function body
978  Node rez = stmts(); // Parse function body
979  if( rez == null ) rez = err_ctrl2("Missing function body");
980  require('}',oldx-1); // Matched with opening {}
982  // Merge normal exit into all early-exit paths
983  if( e._scope.is_closure() ) rez = merge_exits(rez);
984  // Standard return; function control, memory, result, RPC. Plus a hook
985  // to the function for faster access.
986  RetNode ret = (RetNode)X.xform(new RetNode(ctrl(),mem(),rez,rpc,fun));
987  // The FunPtr builds a real display; any up-scope references are passed in now.
988  Node fptr = X.xform(new FunPtrNode(null,ret,fresh_disp.unhook()));
990  _e = _e._par; // Pop nested environment; pops nongen also
991  return (X._ret=fptr); // Return function; close-out and DCE 'e'
992  }
993  }
994  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._gvn, com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >._len, com.cliffc.aa.Env._nongen, com.cliffc.aa.Env._par, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._val, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.add(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.add_def(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.VStack.add_var(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeRPC.ALL_CALL, com.cliffc.aa.Env.ALL_CTRL, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args_are_mutable, com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.asAry(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.at(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.VStack.compact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.con(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.create(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.CTRL, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.DEFMEM, com.cliffc.aa.util.Util.eq(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl0(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.Final, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isAlpha0(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMem.MEM, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.merge_exits(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.ptr(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.push(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.SCALAR, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.set_len(), com.cliffc.aa.node.FunNode.set_nongens(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipNonWS(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.tvar(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unhook(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.NewObjNode.update().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gather_errors()

TypeEnv com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gather_errors ( )

Definition at line 140 of file Parse.java.

140  {
141  // Hunt for typing errors in the alive code
142  assert _e._par._par==null; // Top-level only
143  HashSet<Node.ErrMsg> errs = new HashSet<>();
144  VBitSet bs = new VBitSet();
145  scope().walkerr_def(errs,bs);
146  if( skipWS() != -1 ) errs.add(Node.ErrMsg.trailingjunk(this));
147  ArrayList<Node.ErrMsg> errs0 = new ArrayList<>(errs);
148  Collections.sort(errs0);
150  Type res = scope().rez()._val; // New and improved result
151  Type mem = scope().mem()._val;
152  return new TypeEnv(res, mem instanceof TypeMem ? (TypeMem)mem : mem.oob(TypeMem.ALLMEM),_e,errs0.isEmpty() ? null : errs0);
153  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.Env._par, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._val, com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMem.ALLMEM, com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.rez(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.ErrMsg.trailingjunk(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.walkerr_def().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.go().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_display_ptr()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.get_display_ptr ( ScopeNode  scope)

Definition at line 1379 of file Parse.java.

1379  {
1380  // Issue Loads against the Display, until we get the correct scope. The
1381  // Display is a linked list of displays, and we already checked that token
1382  // exists at scope up in the display.
1383  Env e = _e;
1384  Node ptr = e._scope.ptr();
1385  Node mmem = mem();
1386  while( true ) {
1387  if( scope == e._scope ) return ptr;
1388  ptr = gvn(new LoadNode(mmem,ptr,"^",null)); // Gen linked-list walk code, walking display slot
1389  assert ptr.sharptr(mmem).is_display_ptr();
1390  e = e._par; // Walk linked-list in parser also
1391  }
1392  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.Env._par, com.cliffc.aa.Env._scope, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.is_display_ptr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.ptr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.sharptr().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ go()

TypeEnv com.cliffc.aa.Parse.go ( )

Definition at line 104 of file Parse.java.

104  {
105  prog(); // Parse a program
106  // Delete names at the top scope before starting optimization.
107  _e._scope.keep();
109  _gvn.iter(GVNGCM.Mode.PesiNoCG); // Pessimistic optimizations; might improve error situation
111  _gvn.gcp (GVNGCM.Mode.Opto,scope()); // Global Constant Propagation
112  _gvn.iter(GVNGCM.Mode.PesiCG); // Re-check all ideal calls now that types have been maximally lifted
113  _gvn.gcp (GVNGCM.Mode.Opto,scope()); // Global Constant Propagation
114  _gvn.iter(GVNGCM.Mode.PesiCG); // Re-check all ideal calls now that types have been maximally lifted
115  _e._scope.unkeep();
116  //assert Type.intern_check();
117  return gather_errors();
118  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._gvn, com.cliffc.aa.Env._scope, com.cliffc.aa.Env.close_display(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gather_errors(), com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.gcp(), com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.iter(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.Mode.Opto, com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.Mode.PesiCG, com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.Mode.PesiNoCG, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.prog(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.remove_unknown_callers(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gvn()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn ( Node  n)

Definition at line 1358 of file Parse.java.

1358 { return n==null ? null : _gvn.xform(n); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._gvn, and com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.xform().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._args(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call0(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl3(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.get_display_ptr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.string(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tstmt(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type0(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typechk().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hashCode()

int com.cliffc.aa.Parse.hashCode ( )

Definition at line 1497 of file Parse.java.

1497  {
1498  return _src.hashCode()+_x;
1499  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._src, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.node.UnresolvedNode.hashCode(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.ErrMsg.hashCode().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ifex()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex ( )

Parse an if-expression, with lazy eval on the branches.

Assignments to new variables are allowed in either arm (as-if each arm is in a mini scope), and variables assigned on all live arms are available afterwards. ifex = expr [? stmt [: stmt]]

Definition at line 380 of file Parse.java.

380  {
381  Node expr = apply();
382  if( expr == null ) return null; // Expr is required, so missing expr implies not any ifex
383  if( !peek('?') ) return expr; // No if-expression
385  scope().push_if(); // Start if-expression tracking new defs
386  Node ifex = init(new IfNode(ctrl(),expr));
387  set_ctrl(gvn(new CProjNode(ifex,1))); // Control for true branch
388  Node old_mem = mem().keep(2); // Keep until parse false-side
389  Node tex = stmt(false); // Parse true expression
390  if( tex == null ) tex = err_ctrl2("missing expr after '?'");
391  tex.keep(2); // Keep until merge point
392  Node t_ctrl= ctrl().keep(2); // Keep until merge point
393  Node t_mem = mem ().keep(2); // Keep until merge point
395  scope().flip_if(); // Flip side of tracking new defs
397  set_ctrl(gvn(new CProjNode(ifex,0))); // Control for false branch
399  set_mem(old_mem.unkeep(2)); // Reset memory to before the IF
400  Node fex = peek(':') ? stmt(false) : Env.XNIL;
401  if( fex == null ) fex = err_ctrl2("missing expr after ':'");
402  fex.keep(2); // Keep until merge point
403  Node f_ctrl= ctrl().keep(2); // Keep until merge point
404  Node f_mem = mem ().keep(2); // Keep until merge point
406  Parse bad = errMsg();
407  t_mem = scope().check_if(true ,bad,_gvn,t_ctrl,t_mem); // Insert errors if created only 1 side
408  f_mem = scope().check_if(false,bad,_gvn,f_ctrl,f_mem); // Insert errors if created only 1 side
409  scope().pop_if(); // Pop the if-scope
410  RegionNode r = set_ctrl(init(new RegionNode(null,t_ctrl.unkeep(2),f_ctrl.unkeep(2))));
411  r._val = Type.CTRL;
412  _gvn.add_reduce(t_ctrl);
413  _gvn.add_reduce(f_ctrl);
414  if( t_ctrl._val==Type.XCTRL ) _gvn.add_flow(t_mem);
415  if( f_ctrl._val==Type.XCTRL ) _gvn.add_flow(f_mem);
416  set_mem( gvn(new PhiNode(TypeMem.FULL,bad,r ,t_mem.unkeep(2),f_mem.unkeep(2))));
417  Node rez = gvn(new PhiNode(Type.SCALAR ,bad,r.unkeep(2),tex.unkeep(2), fex.unkeep(2))) ; // Ifex result
418  _gvn.add_work_all(r);
419  return rez;
420  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._gvn, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._val, com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.add_flow(), com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.add_reduce(), com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.add_work_all(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.apply(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.check_if(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.CTRL, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.expr(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.flip_if(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMem.FULL, com.cliffc.aa.Env.GVN, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.init(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.pop_if(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.push_if(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.SCALAR, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.XCTRL, and com.cliffc.aa.Env.XNIL.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ inc()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc ( String  tok,
int  d 

Definition at line 713 of file Parse.java.

713  {
714  skipWS();
715  ScopeNode scope = lookup_scope(tok=tok.intern(),false); // Find prior scope of token
716  // Need a load/call/store sensible options
717  Node n;
718  if( scope==null ) { // Token not already bound to a value
719  create(tok,Env.XNIL,Access.RW);
720  scope = scope();
721  } else { // Check existing token for mutable
722  if( !scope.is_mutable(tok) )
723  return err_ctrl2("Cannot re-assign final val '"+tok+"'");
724  }
726  // Scope is discovered by walking lexical display stack.
727  // Pointer to the proper display is found via ptr-walking live display stack.
728  // Now properly load from the display.
729  // This does a HM.Ident lookup, producing a FRESH tvar every time.
730  Node ptr = get_display_ptr(scope);
731  n = gvn(new FreshNode(_e._nongen,ctrl(),gvn(new LoadNode(mem(),ptr,tok,null))));
732  if( n.is_forward_ref() ) // Prior is actually a forward-ref
733  return err_ctrl1(Node.ErrMsg.forward_ref(this,((FunPtrNode)n)));
734  // Do a full lookup on "+", and execute the function
735  n.keep();
736  // This is a primitive lookup and always returns a FRESH copy (see HM.Ident).
737  Node plus = _e.lookup_filter_fresh("+",2,ctrl());
738  Node sum = do_call(errMsgs(0,_x,_x),args(plus,n,con(TypeInt.con(d))));
739  // Active memory for the chosen scope, after the call to plus
740  scope().replace_mem(new StoreNode(mem(),ptr,sum,Access.RW,tok,errMsg()));
741  return n.unkeep(); // Return pre-increment value
742  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.Env._nongen, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeInt.con(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.con(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.create(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl1(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsgs(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.ErrMsg.forward_ref(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.get_display_ptr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.is_forward_ref(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.is_mutable(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.lookup_filter_fresh(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.lookup_scope(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.replace_mem(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.RW, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep(), and com.cliffc.aa.Env.XNIL.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init()

private<N extends Node> N com.cliffc.aa.Parse.init ( n)

Definition at line 1359 of file Parse.java.

1359 { return n==null ? null : _gvn.init(n); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._gvn, and com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.init().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl1(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isAlpha0()

static boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isAlpha0 ( byte  c)

Definition at line 1351 of file Parse.java.

1351 { return ('a'<=c && c <= 'z') || ('A'<=c && c <= 'Z') || (c=='_'); }

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isAlpha1(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token0().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isAlpha1()

static boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isAlpha1 ( byte  c)

Definition at line 1352 of file Parse.java.

1352 { return isAlpha0(c) || ('0'<=c && c <= '9'); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isAlpha0().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token0().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isDigit()

static boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isDigit ( byte  c)

Definition at line 1355 of file Parse.java.

1355 { return '0' <= c && c <= '9'; }

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.field_number().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isOp()

static boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp ( String  s)

Definition at line 1089 of file Parse.java.

1089  {
1090  if( !isOp0((byte)s.charAt(0)) ) return false;
1091  for( int i=1; i<s.length(); i++ )
1092  if( !isOp1((byte)s.charAt(i)) ) return false;
1093  return true;
1094  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp0(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp1().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), and com.cliffc.aa.Env.lookup_filter_fresh().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isOp0()

static boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp0 ( byte  c)

Definition at line 1353 of file Parse.java.

1353 { return "!#$%*+,-.=<>^[]~/&|".indexOf(c) != -1; }

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp1(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token0().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isOp1()

static boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp1 ( byte  c)

Definition at line 1354 of file Parse.java.

1354 { return isOp0(c) || ":?".indexOf(c) != -1; }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp0().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token0().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isWS()

static boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isWS ( byte  c)

Return true if c passes a test.

Definition at line 1350 of file Parse.java.

1350 { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'; }

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipNonWS(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kill()

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.kill ( Node  n)

Definition at line 1360 of file Parse.java.

1360  {
1361  if( n._uses._len==0 ) n.kill();
1362  }

References com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._uses, and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.kill().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lookup()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.lookup ( String  tok)

Definition at line 1372 of file Parse.java.

1372 { return _e.lookup(tok); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, and com.cliffc.aa.Env.lookup().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tstmt(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type0().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lookup_scope()

ScopeNode com.cliffc.aa.Parse.lookup_scope ( String  tok,
boolean  lookup_current_scope_only 

Definition at line 1373 of file Parse.java.

1373 { return _e.lookup_scope(tok,lookup_current_scope_only); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, and com.cliffc.aa.Env.lookup_scope().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mem()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem ( )

Definition at line 1366 of file Parse.java.

1366 { return scope().mem(); }

References com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.mem(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._args(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_exit(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gather_errors(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.get_display_ptr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.merge_exits(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.string(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.struct(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typechk().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ merge_exits()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.merge_exits ( Node  rez)

Definition at line 996 of file Parse.java.

996  {
997  rez.keep();
998  ScopeNode s = scope();
999  Node ctrl = s.early_ctrl();
1000  Node mem = s.early_mem ();
1001  Node val = s.early_val ();
1002  s.early_kill();
1003  if( ctrl == null ) return rez.unkeep(); // No other exits to merge into
1004  try(GVNGCM.Build<Node> X = _gvn.new Build<>()) {
1005  ctrl = ctrl.add_def(ctrl()).unkeep();
1006  ctrl._val = Type.CTRL;
1007  set_ctrl(ctrl=X.init(ctrl));
1008  mem.unkeep().set_def(0,ctrl);
1009  val.unkeep().set_def(0,ctrl);
1010  Node mem2 = X.xform(mem.add_def(mem()));
1011  Node val2 = X.xform(val.add_def(rez.unkeep()));
1012  set_mem(mem2);
1013  return (X._ret=val2);
1014  }
1015  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._gvn, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._val, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.add_def(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.CTRL, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.early_ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.early_kill(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.early_mem(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.early_val(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_mem(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ number()

Type com.cliffc.aa.Parse.number ( )

Definition at line 1098 of file Parse.java.

1098  {
1099  _pp.setIndex(_x);
1100  Number n = _nf.parse(_str,_pp);
1101  _x = _pp.getIndex();
1102  if( n instanceof Long ) return n.longValue()==0 ? Type.XNIL : TypeInt.con(n. longValue());
1103  if( n instanceof Double ) return TypeFlt.con(n.doubleValue());
1104  throw new RuntimeException(n.getClass().toString()); // Should not happen
1105  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._nf, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._pp, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._str, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFlt.con(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeInt.con(), and com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.XNIL.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ peek() [1/3]

boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek ( char  c)

Definition at line 1282 of file Parse.java.

1282 { return peek1(skipWS(),c); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek1(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tmod(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tstmt(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type0().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ peek() [2/3]

boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek ( String  s)

Definition at line 1300 of file Parse.java.

1300  {
1301  if( !peek(s.charAt(0)) ) return false;
1302  if( !peek_noWS(s.charAt(1)) ) { _x--; return false; }
1303  return true;
1304  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek_noWS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ peek() [3/3]

String com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek ( String[]  toks)

Definition at line 1313 of file Parse.java.

1313  {
1314  for( String tok : toks ) if( peek1(tok) ) return tok;
1315  return null;
1316  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek1().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ peek1() [1/2]

boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek1 ( byte  c0,
char  c 

Definition at line 1286 of file Parse.java.

1286  {
1287  assert c0==-1 || c0== _buf[_x];
1288  if( c0!=c ) return false;
1289  _x++; // Skip peeked character
1290  return true;
1291  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek_noWS().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ peek1() [2/2]

boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek1 ( String  tok)

Definition at line 1317 of file Parse.java.

1317  {
1318  for( int i=0; i<tok.length(); i++ )
1319  if( _x+i >= _buf.length || _buf[_x+i] != tok.charAt(i) )
1320  return false;
1321  return true;
1322  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x.

◆ peek2()

boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek2 ( byte  c0,
String  s2 

Definition at line 1294 of file Parse.java.

1294  {
1295  if( c0 != s2.charAt(0) ) return false;
1296  if( _x+1 >= _buf.length || _buf[_x+1] != s2.charAt(1) ) return false;
1297  _x+=2; // Skip peeked characters
1298  return true;
1299  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ peek_not()

boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek_not ( char  c,
char  no 

Definition at line 1306 of file Parse.java.

1306  {
1307  byte c0 = skipWS();
1308  if( c0 != c || (_x+1 < _buf.length && _buf[_x+1] == no) ) return false;
1309  _x++;
1310  return true;
1311  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tmod().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ peek_noWS()

boolean com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek_noWS ( char  c)

Definition at line 1283 of file Parse.java.

1283 { return peek1(_x >= _buf.length ? -1 : _buf[_x],c); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek1().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typeq().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ prog()

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.prog ( )

Parse a top-level: prog = stmts END.

Definition at line 157 of file Parse.java.

157  {
159  Node res = stmts();
160  if( res == null ) res = con(Type.ANY);
161  scope().set_rez(res); // Hook result
162  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._gvn, com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM._opt_mode, com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.ANY, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.con(), com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.Mode.Parse, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.set_rez(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.go().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remove_unknown_callers()

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.remove_unknown_callers ( )

Definition at line 120 of file Parse.java.

120  {
121  Ary<Node> uses = Env.ALL_CTRL._uses;
122  // For all unknown uses of functions, they will all be known after GCP.
123  // Remove the hyper-conservative ALL_CTRL edge. Note that I canNOT run the
124  // pessimistic iter() at this point, as GCP needs to discover all the
125  // actual call-graph edges and install them directly on the FunNodes.
126  for( int i=0; i<uses._len; i++ ) {
127  Node use = uses.at(i);
128  if( !use.is_prim() ) {
129  assert use instanceof FunNode;
130  assert use.in(1)==Env.ALL_CTRL;
131  use.set_def(1,Env.XCTRL);
132  i--;
133  }
134  }
135  // No longer force all memory alive
136  Env.DEFMEM.unkeep();
138  }

References com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >._len, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._uses, com.cliffc.aa.Env.ALL_CTRL, com.cliffc.aa.Env.ANY, com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.at(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.DEFMEM, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.in(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.insert(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.is_prim(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.set_def(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep(), and com.cliffc.aa.Env.XCTRL.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.go().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ require() [1/2]

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require ( char  c,
int  oldx 

Definition at line 1270 of file Parse.java.

1270  {
1271  if( peek(c) ) return;
1272  Parse bad = errMsg(); // Generic error
1273  bad._x = oldx; // Openning point
1274  err_ctrl3("Expected closing '"+c+"' but "+(_x>=_buf.length?"ran out of text":"found '"+(char)(_buf[_x])+"' instead"),bad);
1275  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl3(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.struct(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ require() [2/2]

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require ( String  s,
int  oldx 

Definition at line 1276 of file Parse.java.

1276  {
1277  for( int i=0; i<s.length(); i++ )
1278  require(s.charAt(i),oldx);
1279  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ scope()

◆ set_ctrl()

private<N extends Node> N com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_ctrl ( n)

Definition at line 1365 of file Parse.java.

1365 { return scope().set_ctrl(n); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.set_ctrl().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call0(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_exit(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl3(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.merge_exits().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_mem()

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_mem ( Node  n)

Definition at line 1367 of file Parse.java.

1367 { scope().set_mem(n); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.set_mem().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._short_circuit_expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call0(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_exit(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.merge_exits(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.string(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ skipBlock()

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipBlock ( )

Definition at line 1343 of file Parse.java.

1343 { throw unimpl(); }

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ skipEOL()

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipEOL ( )

Definition at line 1342 of file Parse.java.

1342 { while( _x < _buf.length && _buf[_x] != '\n' ) _x++; }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ skipNonWS()

void com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipNonWS ( )

Definition at line 1345 of file Parse.java.

1345  {
1346  while( _x < _buf.length && !isWS(_buf[_x]) ) _x++;
1347  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isWS().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ skipWS()

byte com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS ( )

Advance parse pointer to the first non-whitespace character, and return that character, -1 otherwise.

Definition at line 1327 of file Parse.java.

1327  {
1328  int oldx = _x;
1329  while( _x < _buf.length ) {
1330  byte c = _buf[_x];
1331  if( c=='/' && _x+1 < _buf.length && _buf[_x+1]=='/' ) { skipEOL() ; continue; }
1332  if( c=='/' && _x+1 < _buf.length && _buf[_x+1]=='*' ) { skipBlock(); continue; }
1333  if( c=='\n' && _x+1 > _lines.last() ) _lines.push(_x+1);
1334  if( !isWS(c) ) {
1335  if( oldx-1 > _lastNWS && !isWS(_buf[oldx-1]) ) _lastNWS = oldx-1;
1336  return c;
1337  }
1338  _x++;
1339  }
1340  return -1;
1341  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._lastNWS, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._lines, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isWS(), com.cliffc.aa.util.AryInt.last(), com.cliffc.aa.util.AryInt.push(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipBlock(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipEOL().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.apply(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.expr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gather_errors(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek_not(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type0().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stmt()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt ( boolean  lookup_current_scope_only)

A statement is a list of variables to final-assign or re-assign, and an ifex for the value.

The variables are available in all later statements. Final-assigned variables can never be assigned again. Forward references must be defined in the same scope (or higher) as the outermost pending def. This is the same as a lambda calc LetRec expression: "let id = def in ..."

stmt = [id[:type] [:]=]* ifex stmt = id // Implicit variable creation with nil stmt = ^ifex // Early function exit

Note the syntax difference between: stmt = id := val // re-assignment stmt = id = val // final assignment tstmt = id =:type // type variable decl, type assignment

The ':=' is the re-assignment token, no spaces allowed.

Definition at line 268 of file Parse.java.

268  {
269  if( peek('^') ) { // Early function exit
270  Node ifex = ifex();
271  if( ifex==null ) ifex=Env.XNIL;
272  if( _e._par._par==null )
273  return err_ctrl1(Node.ErrMsg.syntax(this,"Function exit but outside any function"));
274  return _e.early_exit(this,ifex);
275  }
277  // Gather ids in x = y = z = ....
278  Ary<String> toks = new Ary<>(new String[1],0);
279  Ary<Type > ts = new Ary<>(new Type [1],0);
280  Ary<Parse > badfs= new Ary<>(new Parse [1],0);
281  Ary<Parse > badts= new Ary<>(new Parse [1],0);
282  BitSet rs = new BitSet();
283  boolean default_nil = false;
284  _e.nongen_push(_e);
285  while( true ) {
286  skipWS();
287  int oldx = _x; // Unwind token parse point
288  Parse badf = errMsg(); // Capture location in case of field error
289  String tok = token(); // Scan for 'id = ...'
290  if( tok == null ) break; // Out of ids
291  int oldx2 = _x; // Unwind assignment flavor point
292  Type t = null;
293  // x =: ... type assignment, handled before we get here
294  // x = ... final assignment
295  // x := ... var assignment
296  // x : type = ... typed final assignment
297  // x : type := ... typed var assignment
298  // x : nontype = ... error, missing type
299  // p? x : nontype ... part of trinary
300  Parse badt = errMsg(); // Capture location in case of type error
301  if( peek(":=") ) _x=oldx2; // Avoid confusion with typed assignment test
302  else if( peek(':') && (t=type())==null ) { // Check for typed assignment
303  if( scope().test_if() ) _x = oldx2; // Grammar ambiguity, resolve p?a:b from a:int
304  else err_ctrl0("Missing type after ':'");
305  }
306  if( peek(":=") ) rs.set(toks._len); // Re-assignment parse
307  else if( !peek_not('=','=') ) { // Not any assignment
308  // For structs, allow a bare id as a default def of nil
309  if( lookup_current_scope_only && ts.isEmpty() && (peek(';') || peek('}') ||
310  // These next two tokens are syntactically invalid, but a semi-common error situation:
311  // @{ fld;fld;fld;... fld ); // Incorrect closing paren. Go ahead and allow a bare id.
312  peek(']') || peek(')' ))) {
313  _x--; // Push back statement end
314  default_nil=true; // Shortcut def of nil
315  rs.set(toks._len); // Shortcut mutable
316  } else {
317  _x = oldx; // Unwind the token parse, and try an expression parse
318  break; // Done parsing assignment tokens
319  }
320  }
322  toks .add(_e._nongen.add_var(tok.intern(),TV2.make_leaf_ns(null,"Env.add_var")));
323  ts .add(t );
324  badfs.add(badf);
325  badts.add(badt);
326  }
328  // Normal statement value parse
329  Node ifex = default_nil ? Env.XNIL : ifex(); // Parse an expression for the statement value
330  // Check for no-statement after start of assignment, e.g. "x = ;"
331  if( ifex == null ) { // No statement?
332  if( toks._len == 0 ) return _e.nongen_pop(null);
333  ifex = err_ctrl2("Missing ifex after assignment of '"+toks.last()+"'");
334  }
335  // Honor all type requests, all at once, by inserting type checks on the ifex.
336  for( int i=0; i<ts._len; i++ )
337  ifex = typechk(ifex,ts.at(i),mem(),badts.at(i));
338  ifex.keep();
340  // Assign tokens to value
341  for( int i=0; i<toks._len; i++ ) {
342  String tok = toks.at(i); // Token being assigned
343  Access mutable = rs.get(i) ? Access.RW : Access.Final; // Assignment is mutable or final
344  // Find scope for token. If not defining struct fields, look for any
345  // prior def. If defining a struct, tokens define a new field in this scope.
346  ScopeNode scope = lookup_scope(tok,lookup_current_scope_only);
347  if( scope==null ) { // Token not already bound at any scope
348  if( ifex instanceof FunPtrNode && !ifex.is_forward_ref() )
349  ((FunPtrNode)ifex).bind(tok); // Debug only: give name to function
350  create(tok,Env.XNIL,Access.RW); // Create at top of scope as undefined
351  scope = scope(); // Scope is the current one
352  scope.def_if(tok,mutable,true); // Record if inside arm of if (partial def error check)
353  }
354  // Handle re-assignments and forward referenced function definitions.
355  Node n = scope.stk().get(tok); // Get prior direct binding
356  if( n.is_forward_ref() ) { // Prior is a f-ref
357  assert !scope.stk().is_mutable(tok) && scope == scope();
358  if( ifex instanceof FunPtrNode )
359  ((FunPtrNode)n).merge_ref_def(tok,(FunPtrNode)ifex,scope.stk());
360  else ; // Can be here if already in-error
362  } else { // Store into scope/NewObjNode/display
364  // Assign into display, changing an existing def
365  Node ptr = get_display_ptr(scope); // Pointer, possibly loaded up the display-display
366  StoreNode st = new StoreNode(mem(),ptr,ifex,mutable,tok,badfs.at(i));
367  scope().replace_mem(st);
368  scope.def_if(tok,mutable,false); // Note 1-side-of-if update
369  }
370  }
372  return _e.nongen_pop(ifex.unkeep());
373  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >._len, com.cliffc.aa.Env._nongen, com.cliffc.aa.Env._par, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.add(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.VStack.add_var(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.at(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.create(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.def_if(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.early_exit(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl0(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl1(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.Final, com.cliffc.aa.node.NewObjNode.get(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.get_display_ptr(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.is_forward_ref(), com.cliffc.aa.node.NewObjNode.is_mutable(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.isEmpty(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.last(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.lookup_scope(), com.cliffc.aa.tvar.TV2.make_leaf_ns(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.nongen_pop(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.nongen_push(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek_not(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.replace_mem(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.RW, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.stk(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.ErrMsg.syntax(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typechk(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep(), and com.cliffc.aa.Env.XNIL.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ifex(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stmts() [1/2]

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts ( )

Parse a list of statements; final semi-colon is optional.

stmts= [tstmt or stmt] [; stmts]*[;]?

Definition at line 167 of file Parse.java.

167 { return stmts(false); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.prog(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.struct(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stmts() [2/2]

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts ( boolean  lookup_current_scope_only)

Definition at line 168 of file Parse.java.

168  {
169  Node stmt = tstmt(), last = null;
170  if( stmt == null ) stmt = stmt(lookup_current_scope_only);
171  while( stmt != null ) {
172  if( !peek(';') ) return stmt;
173  last = stmt.keep();
174  stmt = tstmt();
175  if( stmt == null ) stmt = stmt(lookup_current_scope_only);
176  Env.GVN.add_flow(last.unkeep());
177  if( stmt == null ) {
178  if( peek(';') ) { _x--; stmt=last; } // Ignore empty statement
179  } else if( !last.is_dead() && stmt != last) kill(last); // prior expression result no longer alive in parser
180  }
181  return last;
182  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.add_flow(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.GVN, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.kill(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tstmt().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ string()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.string ( )

Parse a String; _x is at '"'.

str = [.%]* // String contents; \t
\r% standard escapes str = %[num]?[.num]?fact // Percent escape embeds a 'fact' in a string; "name=%name\n"

Definition at line 1123 of file Parse.java.

1123  {
1124  int oldx = ++_x;
1125  byte c;
1126  while( (c=_buf[_x++]) != '"' ) {
1127  if( c=='%' ) throw unimpl();
1128  if( c=='\\' ) throw unimpl();
1129  if( _x == _buf.length ) return null;
1130  }
1131  String str = new String(_buf,oldx,_x-oldx-1).intern();
1132  // Convert to ptr-to-constant-memory-string
1133  NewNode nnn = (NewNode)gvn( new NewStrNode.ConStr(str) );
1134  if( Env.DEFMEM._defs.atX(nnn._alias)==null )
1136  return gvn( new ProjNode(nnn,REZ_IDX));
1137  }

References com.cliffc.aa.node.NewNode< T extends TypeObj< T >._alias, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._defs, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Env.DEFMEM, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.node.DefMemNode.make_mem_proj(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_mem().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ struct()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.struct ( )

Parse anonymous struct; the opening "@{" already parsed.

A lexical scope is made and new variables are defined here. Next comes statements, with each assigned value becoming a struct member, then the closing "}". struct = @{ stmts }

Definition at line 876 of file Parse.java.

876  {
877  int oldx = _x-1; Node ptr; // Opening @{
878  try( Env e = new Env(_e,errMsg(oldx-1), false,ctrl(),mem()) ) { // Nest an environment for the local vars
879  _e = e; // Push nested environment
880  stmts(true); // Create local vars-as-fields
881  require('}',oldx); // Matched closing }
882  assert ctrl() != e._scope;
883  ptr = e._scope.ptr().keep(); // A pointer to the constructed object
884  e._par._scope.set_ctrl(ctrl()); // Carry any control changes back to outer scope
885  e._par._scope.set_mem (mem ()); // Carry any memory changes back to outer scope
886  _e = e._par; // Pop nested environment
887  } // Pop lexical scope around struct
888  return ptr.unkeep();
889  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.Env._par, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ term()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term ( )

Any number field-lookups or function applications, then an optional assignment term = id++ | id– term = uniop term term = tfact [tuple | .field | [.field[:]=stmt | .field++ | .field– | e] term = tfact bopen stmts bclose // if bopen/bclose is arity-2 e.g.

ary[idx] term = tfact bopen stmts bclose stmt // if bopen/bclose is arity-3 e.g. ary[idx]=val

Definition at line 575 of file Parse.java.

575  {
576  int oldx = _x;
577  String uni = token();
578  if( uni!=null ) {
579  // This is a primitive lookup and always returns a FRESH copy (see HM.Ident).
580  UnOrFunPtrNode unifun = _e.lookup_filter_fresh(uni.intern(),1,ctrl()); // UniOp, or null
581  FunPtrNode ptr = unifun==null ? null : unifun.funptr();
582  if( ptr==null || ptr.fun()._op_prec <= 0 ) _x=oldx; // Not a uniop
583  else {
584  // Token might have been longer than the filtered name; happens if a
585  // bunch of operator characters are adjacent but we can make an operator
586  // out of the first few.
587  _x = oldx+ptr.fun().fptr()._name.length();
588  unifun.keep();
589  Node term = term();
590  if( term==null ) { unifun.unhook(); _x = oldx; return null; }
591  unifun.unkeep();
592  return do_call(errMsgs(0,oldx),args(unifun,term));
593  }
594  }
596  // Check for id++ / id--
597  String tok = token();
598  if( tok != null ) {
599  Node n;
600  if( peek("++") && (n=inc(tok, 1))!=null ) return n;
601  if( peek("--") && (n=inc(tok,-1))!=null ) return n;
602  }
603  _x = oldx;
605  // Normal term expansion
606  Node n = tfact();
607  if( n == null ) return null;
608  while( true ) { // Repeated application or field lookup is fine
609  if( peek('.') ) { // Field?
610  skipWS(); //
611  int fld_start=_x; // Get field start
612  String fld = token0(); // Field name
613  if( fld == null ) { // Not a token, check for a field number
614  int fldnum = field_number();
615  if( fldnum == -1 ) return err_ctrl2("Missing field name after '.'");
616  fld = ""+fldnum; // Convert to a field name
617  }
618  fld=fld.intern();
620  Node castnn = gvn(new CastNode(ctrl(),n,TypeMemPtr.ISUSED)); // Remove nil choice
622  // Store or load against memory
623  if( peek(":=") || peek_not('=','=')) {
624  Access fin = _buf[_x-2]==':' ? Access.RW : Access.Final;
625  Node stmt = stmt(false);
626  if( stmt == null ) n = err_ctrl2("Missing stmt after assigning field '."+fld+"'");
627  else scope().replace_mem( new StoreNode(mem(),castnn,n=stmt.keep(),fin,fld ,errMsg(fld_start)));
628  skipWS();
629  return n.unkeep();
630  } else {
631  n = gvn(new LoadNode(mem(),castnn,fld,errMsg(fld_start)));
632  }
634  } else if( peek('(') ) { // Attempt a function-call
635  oldx = _x; // Just past paren
636  skipWS(); // Skip to start of 1st arg
637  n.keep(); // Keep alive across arg parse
638  int first_arg_start = _x;
639  Node arg = tuple(oldx-1,stmts(),first_arg_start); // Parse argument list
640  if( arg == null ) // tfact but no arg is just the tfact
641  { _x = oldx; return n.unkeep(); }
642  Type tn = n._val;
643  boolean may_fun = tn.isa(TypeFunPtr.GENERIC_FUNPTR);
644  if( !may_fun && arg.op_prec() >= 0 ) { _x=oldx; return n.unkeep(); }
645  if( !may_fun &&
646  // Notice the backwards condition: n was already tested for !(tn instanceof TypeFun).
647  // Now we test the other way: the generic function can never be an 'n'.
648  // Only if we cannot 'isa' in either direction do we bail out early
649  // here. Otherwise, e.g. 'n' might be an unknown function argument
650  // and during GCP be 'lifted' to a function; if we bail out now we
651  // may disallow a legal program with function arguments. However,
652  // if 'n' is a e.g. Float there's no way it can 'lift' to a function.
653  !TypeFunPtr.GENERIC_FUNPTR.isa(tn) ) {
654  kill(arg);
655  n.unhook();
656  n = err_ctrl2("A function is being called, but "+tn+" is not a function");
657  } else {
658  Parse[] badargs = ((NewObjNode)arg.in(0))._fld_starts; // Args from tuple
659  badargs[0] = errMsg(oldx-1); // Base call error reported at the opening paren
660  n = do_call0(false,badargs,args(n.unkeep(),arg)); // Pass the tuple
661  }
663  } else {
664  // Check for balanced op
665  n.keep();
666  UnOrFunPtrNode bfun = bal_open(); // Balanced op read
667  if( bfun==null ) { n.unkeep(); break; } // Not a balanced op
669  oldx = _x-1; // Token start
670  skipWS();
671  bfun.keep(); // Keep alive across arg parse
672  int oldx2 = _x;
673  Node idx = stmts(); // Index expression
674  tok = token();
675  if( idx==null || tok==null ) { n.unhook(); bfun.unkeep(); return err_ctrl2("Missing stmts after '"+tok+"'"); }
676  _x -= tok.length(); // Unwind, since token length depends on match
678  // Need to find which balanced op close. Find the longest matching name
679  FunPtrNode fptr=null;
680  UnresolvedNode unr = ((UnOrFunPtrNode)bfun.unkeep()).unk();
681  if( unr!=null ) { // Unresolved of balanced ops?
682  for( Node def : unr._defs ) {
683  FunPtrNode def0 = (FunPtrNode)def;
684  if( tok.startsWith(def0.fun()._bal_close) &&
685  (fptr==null || fptr.fun()._bal_close.length() < def0.fun()._bal_close.length()) )
686  fptr = def0; // Found best match
687  }
688  Env.GVN.add_dead(Env.GVN.add_reduce(bfun)); // Dropping any new FreshNode, and replacing with this one
689  idx.keep();
690  bfun = (UnOrFunPtrNode)gvn(new FreshNode(_e._nongen,ctrl(),fptr));
691  } else fptr = bfun.funptr(); // Just the one balanced op
692  FunNode fun = fptr.fun();
693  require(fun._bal_close,oldx);
694  if( fun.nargs()==ARG_IDX+2 ) { // array, index
695  n = do_call(errMsgs(0,oldx,oldx2),args(bfun,n.unkeep(),idx.unkeep()));
696  } else {
697  assert fun.nargs()==ARG_IDX+3; // array, index, value
698  skipWS();
699  int oldx3 = _x;
700  bfun.keep();
701  Node val = stmt(false);
702  if( val==null ) { n.unhook(); return err_ctrl2("Missing stmt after '"+fun._bal_close+"'"); }
703  n = do_call(errMsgs(0,oldx,oldx2,oldx3),args(bfun.unkeep(),n.unkeep(),idx.unkeep(),val));
704  }
705  }
706  }
707  return n;
708  }

References com.cliffc.aa.node.FunNode._bal_close, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._defs, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.node.FunPtrNode._name, com.cliffc.aa.Env._nongen, com.cliffc.aa.node.FunNode._op_prec, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._val, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.add_dead(), com.cliffc.aa.GVNGCM.add_reduce(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bal_open(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.ctrl(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.do_call0(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsgs(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.field_number(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.Final, com.cliffc.aa.node.FunNode.fptr(), com.cliffc.aa.node.FunPtrNode.fun(), com.cliffc.aa.node.UnOrFunPtrNode.funptr(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFunPtr.GENERIC_FUNPTR, com.cliffc.aa.Env.GVN, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.in(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.inc(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.isa(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMemPtr.ISUSED, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.kill(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.lookup_filter_fresh(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.node.FunNode.nargs(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.op_prec(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek_not(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ScopeNode.replace_mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.RW, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tfact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token0(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unhook(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse._expr_higher().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tfact()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tfact ( )

Parse an optionally typed factor tfact = fact[:type].

Definition at line 747 of file Parse.java.

747  {
748  Node fact = fact();
749  if( fact==null ) return null;
750  int oldx = _x;
751  Parse bad = errMsg();
752  if( !peek(':') ) { _x = oldx; return fact; }
753  Type t = type();
754  if( t==null ) { _x = oldx; return fact; } // No error for missing type, because can be ?: instead
755  return typechk(fact,t,mem(),bad);
756  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typechk().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmod()

Access com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tmod ( )

Definition at line 1176 of file Parse.java.

1176  {
1177  if( peek_not('=','=') ) { _x--; return Access.Final ; } // final , leaving trailing '='
1178  if( peek(":=" ) ) { _x--; return Access.RW ; } // read-write, leaving trailing '='
1179  if( peek("==" ) ) { _x--; return Access.ReadOnly; } // read-only , leaving trailing '='
1180  // Default for unnamed field mod
1181  return Access.RW;
1182  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.Final, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek_not(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.ReadOnly, and com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.RW.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type0().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ token()

String com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token ( )

Definition at line 1072 of file Parse.java.

1072 { skipWS(); return token0(); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token0().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.bal_open(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tstmt(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type0().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ token0()

String com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token0 ( )

Definition at line 1077 of file Parse.java.

1077  {
1078  if( _x >= _buf.length ) return null;
1079  byte c=_buf[_x]; int x = _x;
1080  if( isAlpha0(c) ) while( _x < _buf.length && isAlpha1(_buf[_x]) ) _x++;
1081  else if( isOp0(c) ) while( _x < _buf.length && isOp1 (_buf[_x]) ) _x++;
1082  else return null; // Not a token; specifically excludes e.g. all bytes >= 128, or most bytes < 32
1083  if( (c==':' || c==',') && _x-x==1 ) // Disallow bare ':' as a token; ambiguous with ?: and type annotations; same for ','
1084  { _x=x; return null; } // Unwind, not a token
1085  if( c=='-' && _x-x>2 && _buf[x+1]=='>' ) // Disallow leading "->", confusing with function parameter list end; eg "not={x->!x}"
1086  _x=x+2; // Just return the "->"
1087  return new String(_buf,x,_x-x);
1088  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isAlpha0(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isAlpha1(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp0(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.isOp1().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toString()

String com.cliffc.aa.Parse.toString ( )

Definition at line 1490 of file Parse.java.

1490 { return new String(_buf,_x,_buf.length-_x); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._buf, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x.

◆ tstmt()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tstmt ( )

A type-statement assigns a type to a type variable.

Type variable assignments are always final, and can not exist before assignment (hence a variable cannot have a normal value and be re-assigned as a type variable). In addition to allowing 'tvar' to appear in a type expression a pair of type constructor functions are made: one taking the base type and returning the same value as the named type, and the other for Structs taking the unpacked struct fields and returning the named type. The ':type' is the type being assigned; a space is allowed between '= :type'.

tstmt = tvar = :type

Definition at line 195 of file Parse.java.

195  {
196  int oldx = _x;
197  String tvar = token(); // Scan for tvar
198  if( tvar == null || !peek('=') || !peek(':') ) { _x = oldx; return null; }
199  tvar = tvar.intern();
200  // Must be a type-variable assignment
201  Type t = typev();
202  if( t==null ) return err_ctrl2("Missing type after ':'");
203  if( peek('?') ) return err_ctrl2("Named types are never nil");
204  if( lookup(tvar) != null ) return err_ctrl2("Cannot re-assign val '"+tvar+"' as a type");
205  Parse bad = errMsg();
206  // Single-inheritance & vtables & RTTI:
207  // "Objects know thy Class"
208  // Which means a TypeObj knows its Name. It's baked into the vtable.
209  // Which means TypeObj is named and not the pointer-to-TypeObj.
210  // "Point= :@{x,y}" declares "Point" to be a type Name for "@{x,y}".
211  Type named = t.set_name((tvar+":").intern()); // Add a name
212  ConTypeNode tn = _e.lookup_type(tvar);
213  if( tn == null ) {
214  // If this is a primitive type, there is no recursion and
215  // no special issues. Make a constructor and be done.
216  if( !(t instanceof TypeObj) ) {
217  // Make a ConType with a named Type
218  tn = (ConTypeNode)gvn(new ConTypeNode(tvar,named,scope()));
219  _e.add_type(tvar,tn); // Add a type mapping
220  PrimNode cvt = PrimNode.convertTypeName(t,named,bad);
221  return _e.add_fun(bad,tvar,gvn(cvt.as_fun(_gvn)));
222  }
224  // Always wrap Objs with a TypeMemPtr and a unique alias.
226  // Make a ConType with a named Type
227  tn = (ConTypeNode)gvn(new ConTypeNode(tvar,tmp,scope()));
228  _e.add_type(tvar,tn); // Add a type mapping
229  }
231  // A forward-ref ConTypeNode. Close the cycle.
232  tn.def_fref(named,_e);
234  // Add a copy of constructor functions.
236  // Build a constructor taking a pointer-to-TypeObj - and the associated
237  // memory state, i.e. takes a ptr-to-@{x,y} and returns a ptr to
238  // Named:@{x,y}. This stores a v-table ptr into an object. The alias#
239  // does not change, but a TypeMem[alias#] would now map to the Named
240  // variant.
241  TypeStruct ts = (TypeStruct)((TypeMemPtr)tn._val)._obj;
243  Node rez = _e.add_fun(bad,tvar,epi1); // Return type-name constructor
244  // Add a second constructor taking an expanded arg list
246  _e.add_fun(bad,tvar,epi2); // type-name constructor with expanded arg list
248  return rez;
249  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._gvn, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._val, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.Env.add_fun(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.add_type(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ConTypeNode.alias(), com.cliffc.aa.node.PrimNode.as_fun(), com.cliffc.aa.node.IntrinsicNode.convertTypeName(), com.cliffc.aa.node.PrimNode.convertTypeName(), com.cliffc.aa.node.IntrinsicNode.convertTypeNameStruct(), com.cliffc.aa.node.ConTypeNode.def_fref(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.err_ctrl2(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.lookup(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.lookup_type(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMemPtr.make(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.type.BitsAlias.REC, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.set_name(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token(), com.cliffc.aa.type.BitsAlias.type_alias(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typev().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tuple()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tuple ( int  oldx,
Node  s,
int  first_arg_start 

Parse a tuple; first stmt but not the ',' parsed.

tuple= (stmts,[stmts,]) // Tuple; final comma is optional

Definition at line 843 of file Parse.java.

843  {
844  Parse bad = errMsg(first_arg_start);
845  Ary<Parse> bads = new Ary<>(new Parse[1],1);
846  Ary<Node > args = new Ary<>(new Node [1],0);
847  while( s!= null ) { // More args
848  bads.push(bad); // Collect arg & arg start
849  args.push(s.keep());
850  if( !peek(',') ) break; // Final comma is optional
851  skipWS(); // Skip to arg start before recording arg start
852  bad = errMsg(); // Record arg start
853  s=stmts(); // Parse arg
854  }
855  require(')',oldx); // Balanced closing paren
857  // Build the tuple from gathered args
859  for( int i=0; i<args._len; i++ )
860  nn.create_active((""+i).intern(),args.at(i).unkeep(),Access.Final);
861  nn._fld_starts = bads.asAry();
862  nn.no_more_fields();
863  init(nn);
864  nn.xval();
866  // NewNode returns a TypeMem and a TypeMemPtr (the reference).
868  return gvn(new ProjNode(nn.unkeep(2),REZ_IDX));
869  }

References com.cliffc.aa.node.NewObjNode._fld_starts, com.cliffc.aa.Env.ANY, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.asAry(), com.cliffc.aa.node.NewObjNode.create_active(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.DEFMEM, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.errMsg(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.Access.Final, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.init(), com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.keep(), com.cliffc.aa.node.DefMemNode.make_mem_proj(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMemPtr.NO_DISP, com.cliffc.aa.node.NewObjNode.no_more_fields(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeStruct.open(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.push(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.require(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.set_mem(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmts(), and com.cliffc.aa.node.Node.unkeep().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.fact(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.term().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ type()

Type com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type ( )

Parse a type or return null type = tcon | tfun | tary | tstruct | ttuple | tvar // Type choices tcon = int, int[1,8,16,32,64], flt, flt[32,64], real, str[?] tary = '[' type? ']' // Cannot specify type for array size tfun = {[[type]* ->]? type } // Function types mirror func decls tmod = = | := | == // '=' is r/final, ':=' is r/w, '==' is read-only tstruct = [id [tmod [type?]];]*} // Struct types are field names with optional types.

Spaces not allowed ttuple = ([type?] [,[type?]]*) // List of types, trailing comma optional tvar = A previously declared type variable

Unknown tokens when type_var is false are treated as not-a-type. When true, unknown tokens are treated as a forward-ref new type.

Definition at line 1152 of file Parse.java.

1152 { return typep(false); }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typep().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tfact().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ type0()

Type com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type0 ( boolean  type_var)

Definition at line 1185 of file Parse.java.

1185  {
1186  if( peek('{') ) { // Function type
1188  while( (t=typep(type_var)) != null && t != Type.ANY )
1189  ts.add(t); // Collect arg types
1190  Type ret;
1191  if( t==Type.ANY ) { // Found ->, expect return type
1192  ret = typep(type_var);
1193  if( ret == null ) return null; // should return TypeErr missing type after ->
1194  } else { // Allow no-args and simple return type
1195  if( ts._len != ARG_IDX+1 ) return null; // should return TypeErr missing -> in tfun
1196  ret = ts.pop(); // e.g. { int } Get single return type
1197  }
1198  TypeTuple targs = TypeTuple.make_args(ts.asAry());
1199  if( !peek('}') ) return null;
1200  return typeq(TypeFunSig.make(TypeTuple.make_ret(ret),targs));
1201  }
1203  if( peek("@{") ) { // Struct type
1204  Ary<TypeFld> flds = new Ary<>(new TypeFld[]{TypeMemPtr.DISP_FLD});
1205  while( true ) {
1206  String tok = token(); // Scan for 'id'
1207  if( tok == null ) break; // end-of-struct-def
1208  final String itok = tok.intern(); // Only 1 copy
1209  Type t = Type.SCALAR; // Untyped, most generic field type
1210  Access tmodf = tmod(); // Field access mod; trailing '=' left for us
1211  if( peek('=') && // Has type annotation?
1212  (t=typep(type_var)) == null) // Parse type, wrap ptrs
1213  t = Type.SCALAR; // No type found, assume default
1214  if( flds.find(fld -> Util.eq(fld._fld,itok) ) != -1 ) throw unimpl(); // cannot use same field name twice
1215  flds.add(TypeFld.make(itok,t,tmodf,flds._len));
1216  if( !peek(';') ) break; // Final semi-colon is optional
1217  }
1218  return peek('}') ? TypeStruct.make("",false,flds.asAry(),true) : null;
1219  }
1221  // "()" is the zero-entry tuple
1222  // "( ,)" is a 1-entry tuple
1223  // "(int )" is a 1-entry tuple (optional trailing comma)
1224  // "(int,)" is a 1-entry tuple (optional trailing comma)
1225  // "(,int)" is a 2-entry tuple
1226  // "(, , )" is a 2-entry tuple
1227  if( peek('(') ) { // Tuple type
1228  Ary<TypeFld> flds = new Ary<>(new TypeFld[]{TypeMemPtr.DISP_FLD});
1229  byte c;
1230  while( (c=skipWS()) != ')' ) { // No more types...
1231  Type t = Type.SCALAR; // Untyped, most generic field type
1232  if( c!=',' && // Has type annotation?
1233  (t=typep(type_var)) == null) // Parse type, wrap ptrs
1234  return null; // not a type
1235  flds.add(TypeFld.make_tup(t,flds._len));
1236  if( !peek(',') ) break; // Final comma is optional
1237  }
1238  return peek(')') ? TypeStruct.make("",false,flds.asAry(),true) : null;
1239  }
1241  if( peek('[') ) {
1242  Type e = typep(type_var);
1243  if( e==null ) e=Type.SCALAR;
1244  return peek(']') ? TypeAry.make(TypeInt.INT64,e,TypeObj.OBJ) : null;
1245  }
1247  // Primitive type
1248  int oldx = _x;
1249  String tok = token();
1250  if( tok==null ) return null;
1251  tok = tok.intern();
1252  if( Util.eq(tok,"->") ) return Type.ANY; // Found -> return sentinel
1253  ConTypeNode t = _e.lookup_type(tok);
1254  if( t==null ) { // Not a known type var
1255  if( lookup(tok) != null || // Yes a known normal var; resolve as a normal var
1256  !type_var ) { // Or not inside a type-var assignment
1257  _x = oldx; // Unwind if not a known type var
1258  return null; // Not a type
1259  }
1260  // Make a forward-ref ConType and return its type
1261  int alias = BitsAlias.type_alias(BitsAlias.REC);
1262  TypeMemPtr tmp = TypeMemPtr.make(alias,(TypeObj)TypeObj.ISUSED.set_name((tok+":").intern()));
1263  _e.add_type(tok,(ConTypeNode)gvn(new ConTypeNode(tok,tmp,scope())));
1264  return tmp;
1265  }
1266  return t._val;
1267  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >._len, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._val, com.cliffc.aa.Parse._x, com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.add(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.add_type(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMem.ALLMEM, com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.ANY, com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.asAry(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.CTRL, com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMemPtr.DISP_FLD, com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMemPtr.DISP_SIMPLE, com.cliffc.aa.util.Util.eq(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.find(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeInt.INT64, com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeObj< O extends TypeObj< O >.ISUSED, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.lookup(), com.cliffc.aa.Env.lookup_type(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeAry.make(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.make(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMemPtr.make(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFunSig.make(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeStruct.make(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeTuple.make_args(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeTuple.make_ret(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFld.make_tup(), com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeObj< O extends TypeObj< O >.OBJ, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek(), com.cliffc.aa.util.Ary< E >.pop(), com.cliffc.aa.type.BitsAlias.REC, com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.SCALAR, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.scope(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.set_name(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.skipWS(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tmod(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.token(), com.cliffc.aa.type.BitsAlias.type_alias(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typep(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typeq().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typep(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typev().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ typechk()

Node com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typechk ( Node  x,
Type  t,
Node  mem,
Parse  bad 

Definition at line 1068 of file Parse.java.

1068  {
1069  return t == null || x._val.isa(t) ? x : gvn(new AssertNode(mem,x,t,bad,_e));
1070  }

References com.cliffc.aa.Parse._e, com.cliffc.aa.node.Node._val, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.gvn(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.isa(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.mem().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.stmt(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tfact().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ typep()

Type com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typep ( boolean  type_var)

Definition at line 1161 of file Parse.java.

1161  {
1162  Type t = type0(type_var);
1163  if( t instanceof TypeMemPtr ) return typeq(t); // Named type is already a TMP
1164  if( !(t instanceof TypeObj) ) return t; // Primitives are not wrapped
1165  // Automatically convert unnamed structs to refs.
1166  // Make a reasonably precise alias.
1167  int type_alias = t instanceof TypeStruct ? BitsAlias.REC : (t instanceof TypeStr ? BitsAlias.STR : BitsAlias.AARY);
1168  TypeMemPtr tmp = TypeMemPtr.make(type_alias,(TypeObj)t);
1169  return typeq(tmp); // And check for null-ness
1170  }

References com.cliffc.aa.type.BitsAlias.AARY, com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeMemPtr.make(), com.cliffc.aa.type.BitsAlias.REC, com.cliffc.aa.type.BitsAlias.STR, com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type0(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typeq().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type0().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ typeq()

Type com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typeq ( Type  t)

Definition at line 1172 of file Parse.java.

1172 { return peek_noWS('?') ? t.meet_nil(Type.XNIL) : t; }

References com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.meet_nil(), com.cliffc.aa.Parse.peek_noWS(), and com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.XNIL.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type0(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typep().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ typev()

Type com.cliffc.aa.Parse.typev ( )

Definition at line 1155 of file Parse.java.

1155  {
1156  Type t = type0(true);
1157  // Type.ANY is a flag for '->' which is not a type.
1158  return t==Type.ANY ? null : t;
1159  }

References com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.ANY, and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.type0().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.tstmt().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ _buf

◆ _e

◆ _gvn

◆ _lastNWS

int com.cliffc.aa.Parse._lastNWS

◆ _lines

final AryInt com.cliffc.aa.Parse._lines

◆ _nf

final NumberFormat com.cliffc.aa.Parse._nf

Definition at line 78 of file Parse.java.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.number(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.Parse().

◆ _pp

final ParsePosition com.cliffc.aa.Parse._pp

Definition at line 79 of file Parse.java.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.number(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.Parse().

◆ _src

◆ _str

final String com.cliffc.aa.Parse._str

Definition at line 80 of file Parse.java.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.number(), and com.cliffc.aa.Parse.Parse().

◆ _x

◆ args_are_mutable

final Access com.cliffc.aa.Parse.args_are_mutable =Access.Final

Parse an anonymous function; the opening '{' already parsed.

After the '{' comes an optional list of arguments and a '->' token, and then any number of statements separated by ';'. func = { [[id]* ->]? stmts }

Definition at line 896 of file Parse.java.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.Parse.func().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Node mem()
Definition: Parse.java:1366
TypeEnv gather_errors()
Definition: Parse.java:140
E at(int i)
Definition: Ary.java:25
Node typechk(Node x, Type t, Node mem, Parse bad)
Definition: Parse.java:1068
Definition: TypeFld.java:112
Node do_call0(boolean unpack, Parse[] bads, Node... args)
Definition: Parse.java:1415
Node term()
Any number field-lookups or function applications, then an optional assignment term = id++ | id– term...
Definition: Parse.java:575
static final Type NO_DISP
Definition: TypeMemPtr.java:80
boolean peek_not(char c, char no)
Definition: Parse.java:1306
ScopeNode scope()
Definition: Parse.java:1374
boolean peek1(byte c0, char c)
Definition: Parse.java:1286
void remove_unknown_callers()
Definition: Parse.java:120
static TypeFld make_tup(Type t, int order)
Definition: TypeFld.java:65
Definition: TypeFunPtr.java:23
Definition: ThretNode.java:14
Definition: PrimNode.java:20
void err_ctrl0(String s)
Definition: Parse.java:1439
E push(E e)
Add element in amortized constant time.
Definition: Ary.java:58
static TypeTuple make_args(Type[] ts)
Definition: TypeTuple.java:106
byte skipWS()
Advance parse pointer to the first non-whitespace character, and return that character,...
Definition: Parse.java:1327
void no_more_fields()
Definition: NewObjNode.java:48
boolean isEmpty()
Definition: Ary.java:20
boolean isa(Type t)
Definition: Type.java:623
Node check_if(boolean arm, Parse bad, GVNGCM gvn, Node ctrl, Node mem)
Definition: ScopeNode.java:196
Ary< E > set_len(int len)
Definition: Ary.java:140
void def_if(String name, Access mutable, boolean create)
Definition: ScopeNode.java:191
static FunPtrNode convertTypeName(TypeObj tn, Parse badargs, GVNGCM gvn)
Definition: IntrinsicNode.java:35
static ConNode XCTRL
Definition: Env.java:21
Memory type; the state of all of memory; memory edges order memory ops.
Definition: TypeMem.java:53
static TypeTuple make_ret(Type trez)
Definition: TypeTuple.java:120
final String _str
Definition: Parse.java:80
static boolean eq(String s0, String s1)
Definition: Util.java:16
void update(String tok, Access mutable, Node val)
Definition: NewObjNode.java:64
void require(char c, int oldx)
Definition: Parse.java:1270
static final TypeMem XMEM
Definition: TypeMem.java:225
Node apply()
Parse a lisp-like function application.
Definition: Parse.java:427
Definition: GVNGCM.java:18
Node expr()
Parse an expression, a series of terms separated by binary operators.
Definition: Parse.java:459
final byte _op_prec
Definition: FunNode.java:65
void err_ctrl3(String s, Parse open)
Definition: Parse.java:1440
void add_inline(FunNode n)
Definition: GVNGCM.java:53
Type type()
Parse a type or return null type = tcon | tfun | tary | tstruct | ttuple | tvar // Type choices tcon ...
Definition: Parse.java:1152
static final Type SCALAR
Definition: Type.java:328
void early_kill()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:82
void kill(Node n)
Definition: Parse.java:1360
static final int AARY
Definition: BitsAlias.java:25
Node fact()
Parse a factor, a leaf grammar token fact = num // number fact = "string" // string fact = (stmts) //...
Definition: Parse.java:772
Node add_fun(Parse bad, String name, Node val)
Definition: Env.java:218
static final TypeFld DISP_FLD
Definition: TypeMemPtr.java:77
boolean peek_noWS(char c)
Definition: Parse.java:1283
Node ctrl()
Definition: Parse.java:1363
E pop()
Definition: Ary.java:41
Node gvn(Node n)
Definition: Parse.java:1358
Definition: IfNode.java:9
static int type_alias(int par)
Definition: BitsAlias.java:76
static boolean isDigit(byte c)
Definition: Parse.java:1355
Definition: TypeFld.java:12
Definition: ScopeNode.java:17
Definition: Node.java:16
static final TypeRPC ALL_CALL
Definition: TypeRPC.java:31
Node ctrl()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:44
Node early_exit(Parse P, Node val)
Definition: Env.java:121
Definition: TypeInt.java:9
Definition: UnOrFunPtrNode.java:6
static final TypeFunPtr GENERIC_FUNPTR
Definition: TypeFunPtr.java:80
Node func()
Definition: Parse.java:897
static boolean isOp1(byte c)
Definition: Parse.java:1354
Definition: FP2DispNode.java:7
Node add_work_all(Node n)
Definition: GVNGCM.java:73
an implementation of language AA
Definition: Type.java:94
static TypeFunSig make(String[] args, TypeTuple formals, TypeTuple ret)
Definition: TypeFunSig.java:71
Definition: NewStrNode.java:32
void add_type(String name, ConTypeNode t)
Definition: Env.java:234
Definition: TypeFlt.java:9
Definition: StoreNode.java:14
Definition: Ary.java:11
Parse[] errMsgs(int... xs)
Definition: Parse.java:1457
Definition: PhiNode.java:9
Definition: CProjNode.java:10
static final Access args_are_mutable
Parse an anonymous function; the opening '{' already parsed.
Definition: Parse.java:896
Definition: BitsAlias.java:8
boolean _good_prec_tok(int prec, String bintok)
Definition: Parse.java:510
Type meet_nil(Type nil)
Definition: Type.java:904
void skipNonWS()
Definition: Parse.java:1345
Definition: TypeTuple.java:11
Definition: TypeFld.java:111
void nongen_push(Env par)
Definition: Env.java:255
public< N extends Node > N keep()
Definition: Node.java:228
int _len
Definition: Ary.java:13
Node tfact()
Parse an optionally typed factor tfact = fact[:type].
Definition: Parse.java:747
static TypeInt con(long con)
Definition: TypeInt.java:37
static boolean isAlpha0(byte c)
Definition: Parse.java:1351
ConTypeNode lookup_type(String name)
Definition: Env.java:222
static final TypeMem ALLMEM
Definition: TypeMem.java:228
Type _val
Definition: Node.java:88
Node rez()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:47
Definition: LoadNode.java:13
Node bfact(int oldx, UnOrFunPtrNode bfun)
A balanced operator as a fact().
Definition: Parse.java:1040
static ConNode XNIL
Definition: Env.java:22
int _x
Definition: Parse.java:72
static final Type ANY
Definition: Type.java:325
Definition: Node.java:888
Definition: ConNode.java:9
Node add_def(Node n)
Definition: Node.java:152
Node ptr()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:46
Definition: FunPtrNode.java:40
Definition: TypeAry.java:7
Definition: RetNode.java:19
A memory-based collection of optionally named fields.
Definition: TypeStruct.java:50
static TypeFld make(String fld, Type t, int order)
Definition: TypeFld.java:58
Definition: CallNode.java:86
Env _e
Definition: Parse.java:70
void set_mem(Node n)
Definition: Parse.java:1367
Type typeq(Type t)
Definition: Parse.java:1172
static TV2 make_leaf_ns(UQNodes ns, @NotNull String alloc_site)
Definition: TV2.java:130
Definition: MProjNode.java:10
Node _expr_higher_require(int prec, String bintok, Node lhs)
Definition: Parse.java:505
static StartNode START
Definition: Env.java:14
Definition: GVNGCM.java:16
Node lookup(String name)
Definition: Env.java:186
final String _src
Definition: Parse.java:69
boolean is_prim()
Definition: Node.java:260
Node xform(Node n)
Definition: GVNGCM.java:126
static final int REC
Definition: BitsAlias.java:25
Node ifex()
Parse an if-expression, with lazy eval on the branches.
Definition: Parse.java:380
E[] asAry()
Definition: Ary.java:172
void flip_if()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:183
final NumberFormat _nf
Definition: Parse.java:78
Definition: AssertNode.java:18
static final GVNGCM GVN
Definition: Env.java:13
static final TypeInt INT64
Definition: TypeInt.java:39
final T set_name(String name)
Definition: Type.java:551
static final TypeObj OBJ
Definition: TypeObj.java:44
static final TypeMemPtr DISP_SIMPLE
Definition: TypeMemPtr.java:105
Definition: TypeObj.java:15
static Type con(double con)
Definition: TypeFlt.java:36
FunPtrNode fptr()
Definition: FunNode.java:908
public< N extends Node > N unkeep()
Definition: Node.java:232
public< N extends Node > N unhook()
Definition: Node.java:239
Node get(String name)
Definition: NewObjNode.java:37
Ary< E > add(E e)
Add element in amortized constant time.
Definition: Ary.java:49
static ErrMsg syntax(Parse loc, String msg)
Definition: Node.java:900
boolean is_dead()
Definition: Node.java:820
void close_display(GVNGCM gvn)
Definition: Env.java:128
Node kill()
Definition: Node.java:211
Node mem()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:45
MrgProjNode make_mem_proj(NewNode nn, Node mem)
Definition: DefMemNode.java:59
ErrNode err_ctrl1(Node.ErrMsg msg)
Definition: Parse.java:1437
int alias()
Definition: ConTypeNode.java:28
Error nodes.
Definition: ErrNode.java:10
String dumprpo(boolean prims, boolean plive)
Definition: Node.java:358
Parse errMsg()
Definition: Parse.java:1455
static final TypeMem FULL
Definition: TypeMem.java:222
static TypeAry make(String name, boolean any, TypeInt sz, Type elem, TypeObj stor)
Definition: TypeAry.java:38
Definition: NewStrNode.java:11
Definition: Util.java:5
static final Type CTRL
Definition: Type.java:326
Node is_copy(int idx)
Definition: Node.java:827
static boolean isAlpha1(byte c)
Definition: Parse.java:1352
Node _expr(int prec)
Definition: Parse.java:465
static ErrMsg trailingjunk(Parse loc)
Definition: Node.java:941
Node _short_circuit_expr(Node lhs, int prec, String bintok, Node op, int opx, int lhsx, int rhsx)
Definition: Parse.java:521
Node merge_exits(Node rez)
Definition: Parse.java:996
static final TypeObj ISUSED
Definition: TypeObj.java:45
static boolean isOp0(byte c)
Definition: Parse.java:1353
void def_fref(Type t, Env e)
Definition: ConTypeNode.java:31
Node in(int i)
Definition: Node.java:126
static String[][] PREC_TOKS
Definition: PrimNode.java:38
void skipEOL()
Definition: Parse.java:1342
void set_nongens(TV2[] nongens)
Definition: FunNode.java:192
static PrimNode convertTypeName(Type from, Type to, Parse badargs)
Definition: PrimNode.java:129
VStack _nongen
Definition: Env.java:36
Node do_call(Parse[] bads, Node... args)
Definition: Parse.java:1414
static final Type XCTRL
Definition: Type.java:327
Definition: GVNGCM.java:12
boolean _is_copy
Definition: CallEpiNode.java:25
E last()
Definition: Ary.java:35
Node get(String name)
Definition: ScopeNode.java:76
static TypeStruct open(Type tdisp)
Definition: TypeStruct.java:210
static FunPtrNode forward_ref(GVNGCM gvn, String name, Parse unkref, Env e)
Definition: FunPtrNode.java:205
AryInt push(int e)
Add element in amortized constant time.
Definition: AryInt.java:45
Definition: TypeStr.java:14
void prog()
Parse a top-level: prog = stmts END.
Definition: Parse.java:157
Definition: FreshNode.java:11
Definition: ProjNode.java:11
void create(String name, Node val, Access mutable)
Definition: NewObjNode.java:51
T _ts
Definition: NewNode.java:25
Definition: VBitSet.java:5
int _lastNWS
Definition: Parse.java:73
int binary_search(int e)
Definition: AryInt.java:150
Definition: NewObjNode.java:20
Node insert(int idx, Node n)
Definition: Node.java:165
Node string()
Parse a String; _x is at '"'.
Definition: Parse.java:1123
Tight/tiny StringBuilder wrapper.
Definition: SB.java:8
Node _expr_higher(int prec, Node lhs)
Definition: Parse.java:499
static Node con(Type t)
Definition: Node.java:670
Ary< Node > _uses
Definition: Node.java:245
static String[] PRIM_TOKS
Definition: PrimNode.java:39
void pop_if()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:186
void skipBlock()
Definition: Parse.java:1343
int nargs()
Definition: FunNode.java:190
static boolean isOp(String s)
Definition: Parse.java:1089
void create(String tok, Node n, Access mutable)
Definition: Parse.java:1375
PhiNode early_mem()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:80
final ParsePosition _pp
Definition: Parse.java:79
int at(int i)
Definition: AryInt.java:21
Access tmod()
Definition: Parse.java:1176
Node get_display_ptr(ScopeNode scope)
Definition: Parse.java:1379
final Env _par
Definition: Env.java:34
Type typev()
Definition: Parse.java:1155
boolean is_display_ptr()
Definition: Type.java:941
Definition: ConTypeNode.java:18
Definition: TypeFld.java:110
Definition: UnresolvedNode.java:13
SB nl()
Definition: SB.java:48
void set_rez(Node n)
Definition: ScopeNode.java:51
Node lookup(String tok)
Definition: Parse.java:1372
private< N extends Node > N set_ctrl(N n)
Definition: Parse.java:1365
Definition: NewNode.java:17
NewObjNode stk()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:48
Definition: CastNode.java:11
boolean is_mutable(String name)
Definition: ScopeNode.java:77
boolean peek2(byte c0, String s2)
Definition: Parse.java:1294
Type typep(boolean type_var)
Definition: Parse.java:1161
boolean peek(char c)
Definition: Parse.java:1282
RegionNode early_ctrl()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:79
RetNode wired(int x)
Definition: CallEpiNode.java:38
int last()
Definition: AryInt.java:31
boolean is_forward_ref()
Definition: Node.java:830
String _name
Definition: FunPtrNode.java:41
SB p(String s)
Definition: SB.java:13
void gcp(Mode mode, ScopeNode rez)
Definition: GVNGCM.java:217
int nwired()
Definition: CallEpiNode.java:37
Node set_def(int idx, Node n)
Definition: Node.java:154
Definition: TypeFunSig.java:10
Definition: ThunkNode.java:16
final GVNGCM _gvn
Definition: Parse.java:75
Type sharptr(Node mem)
Definition: Node.java:855
public< N extends Node > N add_reduce(N n)
Definition: GVNGCM.java:49
Type number()
Definition: Parse.java:1098
int field_number()
Definition: Parse.java:1107
Definition: CallEpiNode.java:24
void walkerr_def(HashSet< ErrMsg > errs, VBitSet bs)
Definition: Node.java:771
Definition: ParmNode.java:14
Definition: TV2.java:23
String _bal_close
Definition: FunNode.java:60
static TypeStruct make(String fld_name, Type t)
Definition: TypeStruct.java:190
Definition: GVNGCM.java:17
static boolean isWS(byte c)
Return true if c passes a test.
Definition: Parse.java:1350
Definition: TypeRPC.java:7
String token0()
Definition: Parse.java:1077
void create_active(String name, Node val, Access mutable)
Definition: NewObjNode.java:57
FunNode fun()
Definition: RetNode.java:32
Mode _opt_mode
Definition: GVNGCM.java:22
ConNode con(Type t)
Definition: Parse.java:1369
static final TypeMemPtr ISUSED
Definition: TypeMemPtr.java:92
static final Type XNIL
Definition: Type.java:333
Node inc(String tok, int d)
Definition: Parse.java:713
final ScopeNode _scope
Definition: Env.java:35
Definition: GVNGCM.java:356
public< N extends Node > N add_flow(N n)
Definition: GVNGCM.java:50
Node nongen_pop(Node ret)
Definition: Env.java:254
void push_if()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:178
void add_dead(Node n)
Definition: GVNGCM.java:48
private< N extends Node > N init(N n)
Definition: Parse.java:1359
int _alias
Definition: NewNode.java:20
String dump(int max)
Definition: Node.java:286
static FunPtrNode convertTypeNameStruct(TypeStruct to, int alias, Parse bad)
Definition: IntrinsicNode.java:133
Definition: IntrinsicNode.java:15
void iter(Mode opt_mode)
Definition: GVNGCM.java:147
int find(E e)
Find the first matching element using ==, or -1 if none.
Definition: Ary.java:192
Definition: TypeFld.java:109
FunNode fun()
Definition: FunPtrNode.java:64
TV2 tvar()
Definition: Node.java:96
public< N extends Node > N set_ctrl(N n)
Definition: ScopeNode.java:49
Node tuple(int oldx, Node s, int first_arg_start)
Parse a tuple; first stmt but not the ',' parsed.
Definition: Parse.java:843
boolean is_mutable(String name)
Definition: NewObjNode.java:39
Definition: FunNode.java:58
Env lookup_fref(String tok)
Definition: Env.java:311
FunPtrNode as_fun(GVNGCM gvn)
Definition: PrimNode.java:178
Definition: RegionNode.java:11
final byte[] _buf
Definition: Parse.java:71
static ErrMsg forward_ref(Parse loc, FunPtrNode fun)
Definition: Node.java:896
Definition: AryInt.java:8
UnOrFunPtrNode bal_open()
Definition: Parse.java:1054
Node[] args(Node a0, Node a1)
Definition: Parse.java:1395
static ConNode ANY
Definition: Env.java:24
String add_var(String fld, TV2 tv)
Definition: Env.java:261
ErrNode err_ctrl2(String msg)
Definition: Parse.java:1438
Parse[] _fld_starts
Definition: NewObjNode.java:22
ScopeNode lookup_scope(String tok, boolean lookup_current_scope_only)
Definition: Parse.java:1373
int _len
Definition: AryInt.java:10
static final TypeMem MEM
Definition: TypeMem.java:224
static DefMemNode DEFMEM
Definition: Env.java:19
UnOrFunPtrNode lookup_filter_fresh(String name, int nargs, Node ctrl)
Definition: Env.java:203
byte op_prec()
Definition: Node.java:533
Definition: Env.java:12
static final int STR
Definition: BitsAlias.java:25
Definition: GVNGCM.java:15
String toString()
Definition: SB.java:62
Node set_mem(Node n)
Definition: ScopeNode.java:54
Node stmt(boolean lookup_current_scope_only)
A statement is a list of variables to final-assign or re-assign, and an ifex for the value.
Definition: Parse.java:268
TV2[] compact()
Definition: Env.java:267
Parse(String src, Env env, String str)
Definition: Parse.java:82
public< N extends Node > N init(N n)
Definition: GVNGCM.java:99
Ary< Node > _defs
Definition: Node.java:124
abstract FunPtrNode funptr()
final boolean _thunk_rhs
Definition: FunNode.java:68
Definition: TypeMemPtr.java:14
an implementation of language AA
Definition: Parse.java:68
static ConNode ALL_CTRL
Definition: Env.java:20
Node stmts()
Parse a list of statements; final semi-colon is optional.
Definition: Parse.java:167
Node tstmt()
A type-statement assigns a type to a type variable.
Definition: Parse.java:195
Definition: GVNGCM.java:14
ScopeNode lookup_scope(String name, boolean lookup_current_scope_only)
Definition: Env.java:177
void replace_mem(Node st)
Definition: ScopeNode.java:69
String token()
Definition: Parse.java:1072
Type type0(boolean type_var)
Definition: Parse.java:1185
final AryInt _lines
Definition: Parse.java:74
PhiNode early_val()
Definition: ScopeNode.java:81
Node[] _args(Node[] args)
Definition: Parse.java:1398
static TypeMemPtr make(BitsAlias aliases, TypeObj obj)
Definition: TypeMemPtr.java:66