com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda:
Collaboration diagram for com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda:

Public Member Functions

String p ()
final String toString ()

Package Functions

 Lambda (Syntax body, String... args)
void add_hm_work (Worklist work)
void add_val_work (Syntax child, Worklist work)
Type apply (Syntax[] args)
T2 debug_find ()
T2 find ()
boolean hm (Worklist work)
boolean more_work (Worklist work)
final boolean more_work_impl (Worklist work)
final SB p0 (SB sb, VBitSet dups)
SB p1 (SB sb)
SB p2 (SB sb, VBitSet dups)
void prep_lookup_deps (Ident id)
int prep_tree (Syntax par, VStack nongen, Worklist work)
final void prep_tree_impl (Syntax par, VStack nongen, Worklist work, T2 t)
SB str (SB sb)
T2 targ (int i)
Type val (Worklist work)

Package Attributes

final String[] _args
final Syntax _body
final int _fidx
Type _flow
T2 _hmt
VStack _nongen
Syntax _par
final T2[] _targs
final Type[] _types

Static Package Attributes

static final NonBlockingHashMapLong< LambdaFUNS = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<>()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 477 of file HM.java.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Lambda()

com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.Lambda ( Syntax  body,
String...  args 

Definition at line 486 of file HM.java.

486  {
487  _args=args;
488  _body=body;
489  // Type variables for all arguments
490  _targs = new T2[args.length];
491  for( int i=0; i<args.length; i++ ) _targs[i] = T2.make_leaf();
492  // Flow types for all arguments
493  _types = new Type[args.length];
494  for( int i=0; i<args.length; i++ ) _types[i] = Type.XSCALAR;
495  // A unique FIDX for this Lambda
496  _fidx = BitsFun.new_fidx();
497  FUNS.put(_fidx,this);
498  _flow = val(null);
499  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._args, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._body, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._fidx, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._flow, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._targs, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._types, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.FUNS, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.make_leaf(), com.cliffc.aa.type.BitsFun.new_fidx(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.val(), and com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.XSCALAR.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_hm_work()

void com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.add_hm_work ( Worklist  work)

Reimplemented from com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.

Reimplemented in com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.

Definition at line 535 of file HM.java.

535  {
536  work.push(_par );
537  work.push(_body);
538  for( int i=0; i<_targs.length; i++ )
539  if( targ(i).occurs_in_type(find()) ) work.addAll(targ(i)._deps);
540  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._body, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._par, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._targs, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Worklist.addAll(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.find(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Worklist.push(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.targ().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ add_val_work()

void com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.add_val_work ( Syntax  child,
Worklist  work 

Reimplemented from com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.

Reimplemented in com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.

Definition at line 544 of file HM.java.

544  {
545  // Body changed, all Apply sites need to recompute
546  work.addAll(find()._deps);
547  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Worklist.addAll(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.find().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ apply()

◆ debug_find()

T2 com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.debug_find ( )

Definition at line 348 of file HM.java.

348 { return _hmt.debug_find(); } // Find, without the roll-up

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._hmt, and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.debug_find().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.hm().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find()

◆ hm()

boolean com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.hm ( Worklist  work)

Reimplemented from com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.

Reimplemented in com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.NotNil, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.If, and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.

Definition at line 517 of file HM.java.

517  {
518  boolean progress = false;
519  // The normal lambda work
520  T2 old = find();
521  if( old.is_err() ) return false;
522  if( old.is_fun() ) { // Already a function? Compare-by-parts
523  for( int i=0; i<_targs.length; i++ )
524  if( old.args(i).unify(targ(i),work) )
525  { progress=true; break; }
526  if( !progress && !old.args(_targs.length).unify(_body.find(),work) )
527  return false; // Shortcut: no progress, no allocation
528  }
529  // Make a new T2 for progress
530  T2[] targs = Arrays.copyOf(_targs,_targs.length+1);
531  targs[_targs.length] = _body.find();
532  T2 fun = T2.make_fun(BitsFun.make0(_fidx),targs);
533  return old.unify(fun,work);
534  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._body, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._fidx, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._targs, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.args(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.find(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.is_err(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.is_fun(), com.cliffc.aa.type.BitsFun.make0(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.make_fun(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.targ(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.unify().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ more_work()

boolean com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.more_work ( Worklist  work)

Reimplemented from com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.

Reimplemented in com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.

Definition at line 558 of file HM.java.

558  {
559  if( !more_work_impl(work) ) return false;
560  return _body.more_work(work);
561  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._body, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.more_work(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.more_work_impl().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ more_work_impl()

final boolean com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.more_work_impl ( Worklist  work)

Definition at line 381 of file HM.java.

381  {
382  if( work.has(this) ) return true;
383  if( DO_HM && hm(null) ) // Any more HM work?
384  return false; // Found HM work not on worklist
385  if( DO_GCP && val(null)!=_flow )
386  return false; // Found GCP work not on worklist
387  return true;
388  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._flow, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.DO_GCP, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.DO_HM, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Worklist.has(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.hm(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.val().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Con.more_work(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Ident.more_work(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.more_work(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Let.more_work(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Apply.more_work(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Struct.more_work(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Field.more_work(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.more_work().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ p()

String com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.p ( )

Definition at line 393 of file HM.java.

393 { return p0(new SB(), new VBitSet()).toString(); }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.p0(), and com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.toString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ p0()

final SB com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.p0 ( SB  sb,
VBitSet  dups 

Definition at line 394 of file HM.java.

394  {
395  _hmt.get_dups(dups);
396  VBitSet visit = new VBitSet();
397  p1(sb.i());
398  if( DO_HM ) _hmt .str(sb.p(", HM="), visit,dups);
399  if( DO_GCP ) _flow.str(sb.p(", CCP="),visit.clr(),null,false);
400  sb.nl();
401  return p2(sb.ii(1),dups).di(1);
402  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._flow, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._hmt, com.cliffc.aa.util.VBitSet.clr(), com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.di(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.DO_GCP, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.DO_HM, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.get_dups(), com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.i(), com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.ii(), com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.nl(), com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.p(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.p1(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.p2(), com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.str(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.str().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.p(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.p2(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Let.p2(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Apply.p2(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Struct.p2(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Field.p2().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ p1()

SB com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.p1 ( SB  sb)

Reimplemented from com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.

Reimplemented in com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.

Definition at line 505 of file HM.java.

505  {
506  sb.p("{ ");
507  for( int i=0; i<_args.length; i++ ) {
508  sb.p(_args[i]);
509  if( DO_HM ) sb.p(", HM=" ).p(targ(i).toString());
510  if( DO_GCP ) sb.p(", CCP=").p(_types[i]);
511  sb.nl().i().p(" ");
512  }
513  return sb.p(" -> ... } ");
514  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._args, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._types, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.DO_GCP, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.DO_HM, com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.i(), com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.nl(), com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.p(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.targ(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.toString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ p2()

SB com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.p2 ( SB  sb,
VBitSet  dups 

Reimplemented from com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.

Reimplemented in com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.

Definition at line 515 of file HM.java.

515 { return _body.p0(sb,dups); }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._body, and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.p0().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prep_lookup_deps()

void com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.prep_lookup_deps ( Ident  id)

Reimplemented from com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.

Definition at line 554 of file HM.java.

554  {
555  for( int i=0; i<_args.length; i++ )
556  if( Util.eq(_args[i],id._name) ) _targs[i].push_update(id);
557  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._args, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._targs, com.cliffc.aa.util.Util.eq(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.push_update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prep_tree()

int com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.prep_tree ( Syntax  par,
VStack  nongen,
Worklist  work 

Reimplemented from com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.

Reimplemented in com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.NotNil, and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.

Definition at line 548 of file HM.java.

548  {
549  prep_tree_impl(par,nongen,work,T2.make_leaf());
550  VStack vs = nongen;
551  for( T2 targ : _targs ) vs = new VStack(vs, targ);
552  return _body.prep_tree(this,vs,work) + 1;
553  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._body, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._targs, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.make_leaf(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.prep_tree(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.prep_tree_impl(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.targ().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prep_tree_impl()

final void com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.prep_tree_impl ( Syntax  par,
VStack  nongen,
Worklist  work,
T2  t 

Definition at line 370 of file HM.java.

370  {
371  _par = par;
372  _hmt = t;
373  _flow= Type.XSCALAR;
374  _nongen = nongen;
375  work.push(this);
376  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._flow, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._hmt, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._nongen, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._par, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Worklist.push(), and com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.XSCALAR.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Con.prep_tree(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Ident.prep_tree(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.prep_tree(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Let.prep_tree(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Apply.prep_tree(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Struct.prep_tree(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Field.prep_tree(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.prep_tree().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ str()

SB com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.str ( SB  sb)

Reimplemented from com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.

Reimplemented in com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.

Definition at line 500 of file HM.java.

500  {
501  sb.p("{ ");
502  for( String arg : _args ) sb.p(arg).p(' ');
503  return _body.str(sb.p("-> ")).p(" }");
504  }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._args, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._body, com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.p(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.str().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ targ()

T2 com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.targ ( int  i)

Definition at line 516 of file HM.java.

516 { T2 targ = _targs[i].find(); return targ==_targs[i] ? targ : (_targs[i]=targ); }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._targs, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.T2.find(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.targ().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.add_hm_work(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Apply.add_val_work(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.hm(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.hm(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.If.hm(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.NotNil.hm(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.p1(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Ident.prep_tree(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.prep_tree(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.targ(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Root.val().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toString()

final String com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.toString ( )

Definition at line 390 of file HM.java.

390 { return str(new SB()).toString(); }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.str(), and com.cliffc.aa.util.SB.toString().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.p1().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ val()

Type com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.val ( Worklist  work)

Reimplemented from com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.

Definition at line 541 of file HM.java.

541 { return TypeFunPtr.make(_fidx,_args.length,Type.ANY); }

References com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._args, com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._fidx, com.cliffc.aa.type.Type< T extends Type< T >.ANY, and com.cliffc.aa.type.TypeFunPtr.make().

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.NotNil.apply(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda.Lambda().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ _args

◆ _body

◆ _fidx

final int com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Lambda._fidx

◆ _flow

◆ _hmt

T2 com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._hmt

Definition at line 343 of file HM.java.

Referenced by com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.debug_find(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.find(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.hm(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.p0(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Let.prep_tree(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.prep_tree(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax.prep_tree_impl(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.PrimSyn.PrimSyn(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.run(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.run(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test05(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test05(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test06(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test06(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test14(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test14(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test18(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test18(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test20(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test20(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test32(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test32(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test33(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test33(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test34(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test34(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test36(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test36(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test39(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test39(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test40(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test40(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test41(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test41(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test42(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test42(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test43(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test43(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test44(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test44(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test45(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test45(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test49(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test49(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test50(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM9.test50(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test51(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test52(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test55(), com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test56(), and com.cliffc.aa.HM.TestHM.test57().

◆ _nongen

VStack com.cliffc.aa.HM.HM.Syntax._nongen

◆ _par

◆ _targs

◆ _types


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
T2 find()
Definition: HM.java:344
Definition: TypeFunPtr.java:23
static BitsFun make0(int bit)
Definition: BitsFun.java:44
static boolean eq(String s0, String s1)
Definition: Util.java:16
SB ii(int i)
Definition: SB.java:44
SB di(int i)
Definition: SB.java:46
static T2 make_fun(BitsFun fidxs, T2... args)
Definition: HM.java:1324
abstract boolean hm(Worklist work)
static final Type XSCALAR
Definition: Type.java:329
abstract Type val(Worklist work)
an implementation of language AA
Definition: Type.java:94
final Type[] _types
Definition: HM.java:483
abstract SB p2(SB sb, VBitSet dups)
final T2[] _targs
Definition: HM.java:482
static T2 make_leaf()
Definition: HM.java:1321
VBitSet clr()
Definition: VBitSet.java:9
static final Type ANY
Definition: Type.java:325
Type _flow
Definition: HM.java:351
SB str(SB sb, VBitSet dups, TypeMem mem, boolean debug)
Definition: Type.java:131
static final boolean DO_HM
Definition: HM.java:91
T2 push_update(Ary< Syntax > as)
Definition: HM.java:2118
static final NonBlockingHashMapLong< Lambda > FUNS
Definition: HM.java:479
Syntax _par
Definition: HM.java:341
abstract SB p1(SB sb)
final SB p0(SB sb, VBitSet dups)
Definition: HM.java:394
VStack _nongen
Definition: HM.java:342
T2 _hmt
Definition: HM.java:343
abstract boolean more_work(Worklist work)
Definition: Util.java:5
static TypeFunPtr make(BitsFun fidxs, int nargs, Type disp)
Definition: TypeFunPtr.java:67
final boolean more_work_impl(Worklist work)
Definition: HM.java:381
final void prep_tree_impl(Syntax par, VStack nongen, Worklist work, T2 t)
Definition: HM.java:370
boolean unify(T2 that, Worklist work)
Definition: HM.java:1604
Type val(Worklist work)
Definition: HM.java:541
Definition: VBitSet.java:5
abstract SB str(SB sb)
Definition: BitsFun.java:7
Tight/tiny StringBuilder wrapper.
Definition: SB.java:8
T2 targ(int i)
Definition: HM.java:516
SB nl()
Definition: SB.java:48
final String[] _args
Definition: HM.java:480
SB p(String s)
Definition: SB.java:13
final int _fidx
Definition: HM.java:484
abstract int prep_tree(Syntax par, VStack nongen, Worklist work)
final Syntax _body
Definition: HM.java:481
static final boolean DO_GCP
Definition: HM.java:92
T2 find()
Definition: HM.java:1374
SB i(int d)
Definition: SB.java:38
VBitSet get_dups(VBitSet dups)
Definition: HM.java:2148
SB str(SB sb, VBitSet visit, VBitSet dups)
Definition: HM.java:2163
static int new_fidx(int par)
Definition: BitsFun.java:25
String toString()
Definition: SB.java:62
final String toString()
Definition: HM.java:390
T2 debug_find()
Definition: HM.java:1364